Backed by the profound experience of the industry, we are engaged in manufacturing and supplying frp cooling tower. While manufacturing these cooling towers, our professionals strictly follow the established norms and standards of the industry. A team of experts examine these cooling towers on different parameters to ensure their flawlessness, before the final dispatch to the customers. Following are some other details of the product offered by us: Features: Longer service life Maintenance free Corrosion-free Compact design Easy portability Easy to install Induced draft Assured performance Frp construction Corrosion free, compact, light weight Steady distribution system
In order to append and respond to the diverse requirements of esteemed clients, we are able to offer industrial cooling towers. The offered range of industrial cooling towers is made utilizing high grade raw material and innovative technology in strict compliance with the international quality norms and standards. Along with this, the offered range of industrial cooling towers is applicable in different renovation or new construction projects. Features: Low weight and dry steam High pressure reciprocating pump Low maintenance De-scaling and drainage facility
Rolling diameter: ø6 to ø60 Drive motor : 5 hp Spindle speed: 70 to 200 rpm Machine size: 1000x1000x1700 mm Stadad packing, 1200x1200x1800 mm Weight: 1300 kg
Hypac, epac, oilpac, power pac, effipac, As per quantity
About Mini Blast Furnace A Mini Blast Furnace (commonly known as Mandir Bhatti or Shahi Bhatti) is a simple, time-tested and widely used system to produce secondary lead in India and many other countries. It is the most basic of all furnaces and a production system based on this technology has certain distinct characteristics such as: Low Project Capital Cost Low Energy Cost ( wooden coke fired) Easy to install Easy to operate & maintain Production of low Antimony Lead (soft lead) at low temperature Generates high pollution Description of Mini Blast Furnace The Furnace itself is a modified blast furnace which consists of a brick lined structure with fire brick oven in the midst and a metal Exo skeletal structure outside. Raw material & fuel (coke) is charged manually through the side metal doors fitted in the brick structure and air is provided from the FD fans provided at the back of the brick structure. Molten metal & slag is tapped at the pits made in front of the brick structure and flue gases are sucked from the top of the brick structure which is provided with a metallic hood. A typical Double Oven Mini Blast Furnace has the following standard sizes & specifications: Outside Dimensions of Brick Structure 2400mm L x 1900mm W x 2400mm H No. of Ovens 2 Nos. Oven Size Top Dia 600mm Bottom Dia 250mm Depth 650mm No. of FD Fans 2 Nos. (1 for each oven) FD Fan Capacity 300cmh at 250mm of WG No. of Charging Doors 2 Nos. (1 for each oven) Charging Door Dimensions 1100mm H x 650mm W Manufacturing Process Lead to be manufactured from Mini Blast Furnace is usually obtained from scrapped batteries. They are cut open or broken to segregate lead scrap, plastic and other materials from it. Lead scrap in the form of lead powder and plates etc. is charged in the furnace along with a proportionate charge of wooden coke. Thereafter the furnace is manually fired with the help of rags. FD Fan provides the necessary air required for combustion from the back of the furnace. Coke in the oven performs the functions of both, the fuel as well as a reducing agent for obtaining lead from its oxides charged in the form of lead plates & powder. Temperature of the furnace is maintained at the desired level for approximately 30 minutes, after which molten lead along with slag flows out from the bottom of the oven into the outlet pit. Here slag is separated and molten lead is poured into Ingot Moulds. To maintain this, continuous charge of raw material and coke is maintained in the furnace. This process leads to generation of flue gases which are toxic in nature and need appropriate and adequate Air Pollution Control System for their treatment. Process Details for a typical Double Mini Blast Furnace Raw Material Charged 700-800 kg hr. Fuel used Wooden Coke Calorific Value of Fuel used 4000-5000 kCal kg Fuel Consumed 70-75 kg hr. Air provided for process 300 cmh Lead Produced (1st Charge) 300-350 kg hr. Flue Gas generation 8000-9000 cmh Advantages and Disadvantages of Mini Blast Furnace Advantages No consumables used other than Wooden Coke which is also used as Fuel Low Power Consumption Produces low Antimony Lead suitable for soft lead purposes Pollution can be controlled with minimum fugitive emissions Easy to install, operate & maintain Disadvantages Cannot recover 100% lead in the first operation Subsequent recovery of lead after first recovery consumes higher coke & manpower. Equipment cannot be scaled up for higher production capacities. Various types of lead present in used batteries, plates and paste of lead oxide are charged in the furnace. In addition to these, certain compounds of sulphur are also present in the batteries. When this material is heated in the presence of carbon, lead oxide is converted to lead. This conversion along with burning of fuel generates flue gases and fumes containing dust, dirt, oxides of lead, lead particles and other impurities etc. Hence, to meet various goals of maintaining employees' health, for factory environments as well as regulatory requirements, it becomes imperative to get high end Air Pollution Control Systems to be installed with the Mini Blast Furnaces. At the time of Delivery
We are mfg. All type of muffle furnace , Size:- 4"x4"x9", watt:- 2.5kw.Temp 1200c 6"x6"x12"watt:- 3.5kw.Temp 1200c 9"x9"x18"watt:- 6kw. Temp 1200c
We are providing services like reconditioning of: Furnace crucible Induction melting furnace coil Water cooled cable Our special services : New matching furnace assembly (100kg -10000kg) suitable with existing power supply unit. A servicing and maintenance contracts for complete power supply with furnace assembly of all leading manufacturer of induction furnace supplier. Complete project consulting for buying of new induction furnace. We under take modification and repairs for old furnaces and bar heater coil box of heating equipments
Root blower, centrifugal blower and hi pressure blowers for furnace. Packing in wooden box.
A cubical furnace has two parts, one is nonmoving shell with combustion system, the other part is used to load, carry, and unload the material to be heated. A furnace used for all other standard applications as mentioned. It also can be used in the applications of specialized treatment processes. Advantages: our furnaces are designed in such a way to reduce the fuel consumption. Combustion/ heating equipments are designed with the thermal equations. Our heating systems will be positioned in order to better heat transfer rate through circulation and re-circulation. Our furnaces are designed for skin temperature of 65?c (maximum) Lining: refractory and insulation bricks and ceramic fiber blankets based on the temperature and operation of the furnace. As per the ISO standard packing.
A cubical shell furnace, which will be stationary furnace, used in melting all kinds of non-ferrous melting, lead oxide kettle, zinc kettle etc., indirect type melting ensures the loss of metals due to oxidation/carbon deposit by the fuel or combustion properties. Furnace is lined with refractory and insulation brick to hold the liquid metal to a temperature of 1200 deg.C. This furnace lining by a brick is formed with extra locks mechanically to ensure the lining the tightness and holds the crucible to not to fall of while tilting the furnace. Our specialties are manual operating furnace, automatic operating furnace, air/fuel ratio regulating system, mass flow control system, pressure balancing system, flue control system.
Atec Tilting Furnace is a Cubical Shell Furnace, which tilts by the Hydraulic/Motorized/Geared mechanism for pouring out the metal directly on the mould/Ladle for heavy Castings. Indirect type melting ensures the Loss of metals due to oxidation/Carbon deposit by the fuel or Combustion Properties. Furnace is lined with Refractory and Insulation brick to hold the liquid metal to a Temperature of 1200oC. This furnace lining by a brick is formed with extra locks mechanically to ensure the lining the tightness and holds the crucible to not to fall of while tilting the furnace.Our furnaces are designed for skin temperature of 65C (Maximum).
A burner made with CI body, has a Primary and Secondary air ports, supplied wit Air Butterfly valves, Burner block, Precise control oil Valve (SOV) as a Package. Burner is used in the applications, where Fuel will be Diesel, LPG, Natural Gas, Producer gas etc., This burner is specially designed to avoid localized Heating. It is designed to give 100% Combustion efficiency even with High carbon oil. Advantages : Fuel Efficient by Better atomization Uniform heat transfer, 10% savings will be possible by interchanging with any make burner. Optional Accessories : Preheated combustion air upto temperature of 350?C (Max) for fuel saving upto 40%.
A cubical shell drier, which is a customized design based on the applications, temperature requirement for these applications vary from 100C to 300C. Driers are also designed with Direct and Indirect type Driers. Drier is lined with Refractory and Insulation brick/ Glass wool insulations to hold the Temperature up to 600 C. Driers will have two chambers in case of indirect type drier. The chambers are firing and Heating Chambers. If in case of Direct type drier, the re circulation fan must be used for the forced heat transfer. Advantages : Our Furnaces are designed in such a way to reduce the Fuel Consumption. Our furnaces are lined with both refractory bricks and Ceramic fibre modules, in such a way to pass the flue Gas around the material to be heated, enabling high conduction convection and Radiation heat transfer. Combustion/Heating Equipments are designed to meet the requirements of furnace and Heat transfer rate. Burner will be positioned inclined to an angle, so that the flame/flue skips on the surface of the material. Better heat transfer rate through circulation and Re-circulation. Our furnaces are designed for skin temperature of 65C (Maximum). Optional accessories : Pre heating the scrap before charging can be done. Recuperator to pass the combustion air into the burner at a temperature of 150C (minimum) for fuel saving upto 40%.
Monoblock burner for all types of heating application like boiler, oven, hot air generator, dryer, furnace, melting furnace, heat treatment. Standard.
Industrial burners
1. Loading capacity - 400 kg to 1200 kg gross 2. Heating - electric heater type/ gas type 3. Quenching - oil quenching or molten salt 4. Atmosphere - nitrogen methanol, endo gas As per the equipment
1. Capacity - fromm 100 kg/batch to 2000kg/batch 2. Media - steel shots ( cast or cut wire) 3. Dust collector- standard cloth bag or cassete type 4. M/c type - thumb blast, table type, t- rail type, hanger type, cont. Blast type etc. Depend on machine size, export quality wood packing
Hollow silver statue and indian god, elephant, and ather animalls in light weight silver electro formed well in finishing.All articals r 92.5silver, 999silver, avelable on request. Standared plastic paking.
Ground granulated blast furnace slag 1. Fineness (m2 /kg): 370. 2. Soundness le-chatelier expansion (mm) : nil. 3. Initial setting time (min) Not less than opc:220. 4. Insoluble residue(%):0.05 5. Magnesia content (%):9.5 6.Sulphide sulphar(%):0.60 7. Sulphite content (%):0.10 8. Loss on ignition (%):0.30 9. Manganese content (%):0.06 10. Chloride content(%):0.003 11. Moisture content(%):0.005 12. Glass content(%):94 13. Compressive strength (n/mm2): After 7 days34.0 After 28 days53.0 14. Chemical moduli A). Cao + mgo + sio2 :84.0 B). Cao + mgo /sio2 :1.30 C). Cao/sio2 :1.05. Tonnes packed in i tonne or i.5 jumbo bags.
1. Fineness (m2 /kg): 370. 2. Soundness le-chatelier expansion (mm): nil. 3. Initial setting time (min) Not less than opc:220. 4. Insoluble residue(%):0.05 5. Magnesia content (%):9.5 6.Sulphide sulphar(%):0.60 7. Sulphite content (%):0.10 8. Loss on ignition (%):0.309. Manganese content (%):0.06 10. Chloride content(%):0.003 11. Moisture content(%):0.005 12. Glass content(%):94 13. Compressive strength (n/mm2): After 7 days34.0 After 28 days53.0 14. Chemical moduli A). Cao + mgo + sio2 :84.0 B). Cao + mgo /sio2 :1.30 C). Cao/sio2 :1.05. Tonnes( 1 tnnes and 1.5 tones in jumbo bags).