Silicone Based Softeners (Amino Based & Hydrophillic)
We are a leading name in the field of offering silicone based softeners (amino based & hydrophilia). This line of emulsified silicone softeners assists in meeting the softening demands of textile fabrics.
Further, with these silicones based on amino, epoxy, hydroxyl, and elastomeric functionality, these are well recognized for delivering many benefits. These include:
Amino-Functional: These silicone softeners are formulated in stable micro-emulsion and find usage in areas like:
Textile Finishing
Here, the products on which these are applied can be:
Cellulosic/synthetic blends
Some of its standard features include:
These organo-silicone and Amino functional micro emulsions provide soft silky hand with high degree of white retention properties
The silicone and surfactants can be diluted into stable micro-emulsions suitable for natural and synthetic fabrics
These silicone softeners formulated in stable macro-emulsions can be used in textile finishing industry
These silicone softeners can be used on synthetics, cellulosic or blends and help in providing good drape and softness to printed as well as woven fabrics
The silicone softeners also require no additional catalyst/cross-linkers to form durable silicone elastomer and provide soft, full hand to wide variety of fabrics as well as assist in improving the wrinkle recovery, dimensional stability, and tear strength of the fabrics
We are a leading and well recognized name in the field of offering excellent quality and high performance oriented Dye Fixing Agents. These find wide application as fixing agents for direct as well as reactive dyestuffs on cellulose fiber. Further, these are also used for bringing necessary improvements in rubbing fastness of direct colors to light and washing.
Being a non-formaldehyde base dye fixing agent, it helps in providing excellent light-fastness, chlorine-fastness to the direct and reactive dyestuffs. Further, these also help in:
Ensuring there is no bleeding during washing
Ensuring improvement of the wet fastness properties of direct and reactive dyes
Improvement of fastness to wate
Improvement in perspiration and wet finishing of dyeing and prints
Improvement in producing direct dyes on cotton and re-generated cellulose
Appearance - Colorless Liquid
Ionicity - Cationic
Solubility - Soluble in water
pH (2% Solution) - 4.0 - 5.5
Odor - None
Solid % - 45
Storage - Sensitive to heat over 60 C
Rungquat-RD Is a formaldehyde free dye-fixing agent for improving wet fastness of Reactive dyes & Direct dyes on Cellulosic fibres. Imparts excellent wash fastness of direct & reactive dyed fabrics to water, perspiration, wet ironing, sea -water & laundering.
RungDyefix-HCF Is a zero formaldehyde fixing agent for improving wet fastness of Reactive dyes & Direct dyes on Cellulosic fibres.
RungDyefix-NBS/Conc Is a concentrated fixing agent for acid dyeing on nylon. Unlike ordinary tannic acid and tartar emetic fixing method, it enables one bath fixing and therefore fixing process and time can be shortened.
RungDyefix-RN It is a fixing agent for acid dyeing on nylon. Unlike ordinary tannic acid and tartar emetic fixing method, it enables one bath fixing and therefore fixing process and time can be shortened.
RungDyefix-SK-40 Is a formaldehyde free economical dye-fixing agent for improving wet fastness of Reactive dyes & Direct dyes on Cellulosic fibres. Imparts excellent wash fastness
We are one of the leading and well recognized names in offering our customers quality Finishing Range Chemical of softeners. These are well recognized for delivering exceptional value to the involved processes and can be made available in different packaging options to choose from. Some of the well recognized properties of these Finishing Range Chemical softeners include acting as Cost effective cationic softeners, Cationic softener with minimum yellowing, Cationic softener in flakes form, Hydrophilic, Non-yellowing softener and Non-ionic softener in flakes form.
These are available in Cationic and Non-ionic nature and can be used in different substrates like Cotton, Synthetic and its blends like Woven, Knit, Garments. Further, these can also be used in machines like Soft Flows Winch CDR Jigger in different dosages as per the specific demands of the processes.
We are also well recognized for offering customers a wide variety of specialty finishes in the chemical range being offered by us.
These products are well backed by our experienced team of Research and Development professionals who ensure these perfectly match up with the emerging market demands. Further, our experienced personnel handling quality control and well equipped laboratory with most modern machinery allow us to conduct successful research and come up with an effective range of specialty chemicals.
Some of the range made available is known for properties like Blend of Softeners for providing Bulky Feel, PE emulsion to bring improvements in tear strength, meeting the demands of wrinkle free finishing and softeners for providing superior finishing of cotton yarns. We also urge customers to contact us for knowing more about the specialty chemicals that are made available by us.