High Quality Furniture accessories Stainless steel, Aluminum sofa leg in different shapes Round, Square Size: 4" Material: Stainless steel Model: BL-2 and BL-3 Color: SS, BA
Dimensions, Weight and Performance Data Marzoli Peg High quality spare parts for Marzoli machines manufacture, importers and suppliers in India. We use the most advanced technology and graded raw materials to manufacture the Textile Machinery Marzoli Spare Parts like Marzoli Rings, Peg etc. We have been regularly supplying this "Marzoli Spare Parts" to many contractors and associated people in this Field across India. We would request to you to please send to us your enquiries for the same so that we can send to you more details and our commercial offer for the same.
Marzoli Rings Dimensions, Weight and Performance Data Machine Width With Doffer Max. 1420 mm Ring Diameter 36 - 54 mm Application Staple fibres up to 60 mm Tube Length 180 - 260 mm Spindle Gauge 70 - 75 mm Twist Range 4,0 - 80 Tpi (160 - 3150 Tpm) Material Cotton, man made fibres and blends Yarn Count 3,0 - 150 Ne (Nm 5,0 - 250). Ring Diameter 36 - 54 mm Tube Length 180 - 260 mm Spindle Gauge 70 - 75 mm Maximum yarn quality in all working conditions High drafts up to 80 fold. Optimum spindle speed at every phase of bobbin build up thanks to an inverter drive. Independent spindles, ring rail and drafting system drives. Extremely reliable and fast doffing system with no trailing ends. Simple and reliable transport peg system for either bobbins or tubes. Ring frame stops to prevent production of defective yarn. Flexible linking alternatives.
Bind the rope from the end at a distance equal to the loop desired, plus an additional length of about 10 times the diameter of the rope .split the rope by separating three adjacent strands, leaving the other three strands and core intact. Bend the large section(three strands core ) into the desired size loop and start laying the three separated strands in to the grooves of the bent section,as close to the throat as possible. Completely lay the three strands around the loop as deep into the throat as possible. allowing the six strands ends and the core to project close to the throat of the loop. In application of pressed-on ferrule is rolled in eye splice. Noticed how smooth the fabric is joined. Position the special ferrule over the rolled in splice in preparation for swaging. Ends are still flats. By administration of tremendous force by swaging machine, ferrule is tapered. Wire Rope Press Grip Sling Are Economical Safer And Easier To Work With Three slings you can count on high strength efficiency on all eye splices.they are tapered and completely sealed with at both end to avoid snagging on loads. these ferrules completely cover all strands and locks them securely into place. there are no opening or rough projection to catch on hands. Rope slings with special pressed on metal ferrules are easier to work with. Slings are made from 6x19 wire rope and from 6x37 wire rope. We recommended use of 6x19 construction. Upto 1 ¼ :6x37or large slings. Note: Standred sleeves are recommended for use with 6x19 or 6x37,IPS or EIF RRL,FC or IWRC wire rope.
Double Part Thimble Eye Double Part Basket Grommet Round Application for Grommat Grommat slings can be fabricated in very short circumstances. The reason is this: Grommat slings are made from one continuous length of strand or wire rope. This requires only one tuck-in point as compared with six tuck-in points needed manufacturer an endless sling. A Grommat consists of an endless rope having construction 6/1 construction & is used where high ultimate breaking strength of the rope is required beyond the limits of a single part rope. A strand of sufficient length to complete the Grommat shall be obtained by either of the following methods: Method A: An order strand shall be unlaid from a specimen of 6/1 rope conforming to the requirement of the customer. Method B: Unlaying from a specimen of 6/4 rope having strands in all respects equipment to those obtained by method A above. Method C: Using a virgin strand either prefromed or post formed & in all other respects equivalent to those obtained by method A & B. During the course of construction of a Grommat the performed lay of the strand shall be maintained and shall not be interfered with except when laying in the core for which purpose length of strand left to form the core should be straightened . The length of the strand required to form a Grommat shall be equal to about 7.5 times the parameter of the Grommat in case of spliced Grommat. But in case of complete streamline splicing length shall be 4 times the effective length. Butt Splice The two ends of the rope should be joined together by two five –tuck splices. Number of Tucks The splices shall be tucked three times the full size of strand, a fourth time with the strand each reduced to half the original number and a fifth with the strands each further reduced to one third the original number. The heart strand is to be rowed in during tucking so that a double heart is produced for at least the length of the first three tucks in both directions. Method of Tucking The Tucks of the Splice shall be made over one strand and under one strand against the lay of the rope. The heart strand of the rope shall not be removed when the strands are opened out for tucking, but may be cut to a suitable length. Finishing The ends of the splice in way of the twisted off ends of wire that is between the end and the third tuck shall be tightly served with seizing wire, after parcelling with canvas, Hessian or wax paper.
Two leg wire rope sling with main ring at top and hooks at the bottom. Three leg wire rope sling with main ring at top and thimble at the bottom. Four leg wire rope sling with main ring and intermediate ring at top with bow shackle at bottom. Four leg sling with main ring with thimble at top and plain loops at bottom. Braided / Plaited belt lifting slings - Available in standard lts. of 10m &10 in capacities ranging from 10 to 40 tons with steel core ropes.
Flattening Test - Ferrules shall be pressed, along the major axis until the inner, surfecestmeet. Multipurpose, Portable, Universal, Gearless, Hand, operated Pulling and Lifting machine, Supplied, complete with telescopic, operating handle and, standard Length of super flex steel fibre-mixed core, wire-rope fitted with Hook or Shackle at one end and, fused and tapered at the other end. After completion of the test, there shall, be no visible crack on the ferrule. Type, Normal Size, Length before Pressing Min., Length after pressing Min, Thickness Min T, Suitable for Normal Wire Rope Size, Lower Limit, Upper Limit, (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), Type A , 3, 11, 17, 1.61, 2.00, 3.15, 4.0, 10, 22, 1.7, 4.40, 4.75, 6, 10, 23, 2.1, 5.85, 6.30, 8, 27, 34, 3.0, 7.85, 8.40, 9, 30, 33, 3.50, 8.80, 9.45, 10, 32, 35, 3.75, 9.80, 10.50, 11, 36, 43, 5.25, 10.75, 11.55, Type B, 10, 45, 53, 4.2, 11.75, 12.65, 15, 46, 50, 3.8, 13.76, 15.75, 17, 50, 60, 5.2, 15.76, 17.85, 19, 56, 62, 5.00, 17.86, 19.99, 21, 62, 70, 6.20, 20.00, 21.99, 23, 78, 86, 7.55, 22.00, 23.89, 25, 83, 94, 8.00, 24.00, 25.99, 27, 92, 108, 8.85, 26.00, 27.99, 29, 98, 114, 9.85, 28.00, 29.00, 31, 101, 115, 10.00, 30.00, 31.99, 33, 105, 118, 11.07, 32.00, 33.99
Nominal size of rope A, C, D, F, G, K, R1, R (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), 08, 33, 11, 46, 9, 4, 3.5, 25, 12, 10, 44, 15, 56, 11, 6, 5.5, 32, 16, 12, 60, 20, 82, 13, 8, 7.5, 44, 22, 14, 60, 21, 82, 15, 8, 7.5, 44, 22, 16, 70, 23, 94, 17, 10, 29.5, 50, 25, 18, 80, 26, 104, 19, 12, 11.0, 56, 28, 20, 88, 28, 116, 21, 12, 11.0, 64, 32, 22, 100, 30, 125, 24, 14, 13.0, 72, 34, 24, 104, 33, 140, 26, 14, 13.0, 76, 38, 25, 114, 36, 150, 27, 16, 14.5, 82, 42, 29, 124, 39, 165, 31, 18, 16.5, 88, 44, 32, 140, 45, 190, 34, 20, 18.5, 100, 50, 35, 154, 50, 208, 38, 20, 18.5, 114, 56, 38, 169, 56, 234, 41, 22, 20.5, 125, 64, 41, 169, 56, 234, 44, 22, 20.5, 125, 64, 44, 190, 65, 260, 47, 25, 22.5, 140, 68, 48, 206, 67, 275, 51, 28, 25.5, 150, 75, 51, 229, 72, 300, 55, 32, 29.5, 165, 78, 54, 229, 76, 300, 58, 32, 29.5, 165, 78, 57, 243, 78, 330, 61, 34, 31.5, 115, 88, 64, 276, 88, 375, 69, 38, 35.5, 200, 100, All dimensions in millimetres., Note, For wire ropes of intermediate sizes, the next larger size of thimble shall be used., Dimension M is the standard pin hole and the largest pin-hole for each thimble. Should a, smaller pin-hole be required the diameter of this shall be stated in the enquiry and order.
Features Basket is cast steel. Wedge socket terminations have an efficiency rating of 80% based on the catalog strength of XXIP wire rope. Wedges are color coded for easy identification. Blue - largest wire line size for socket. Black - mid size wire line for socket. 7/16" on US4 9/16" on US5 Orange - smallest wire line size for socket. Cast into each wedge is the model number of the socket and the wire line size for which the wedge is to be used. Cast into each socket is the name "McKissick", "Crosby" or "CG", its model number and its wire line range. By simply changing out the wedge, each socket can be utilized for various wire line sizes (Ensure correct wedge is used for wire rope size). Load pin is forged and headed on one end. US-422 wedge sockets contain a hammer pad (lip) to assist in proper securement of termination. Crosby products meet or exceed all the requirements of ASME B30.26 including identification, ductility, design factor, proof load and temperature requirements. Importantly, Crosby products meet other critical performance requirements including fatigue life, impact properties and material traceability, not addressed by ASME B20.26. UWO-422 Wedges are to be used only with the US-422 Wedge Socket Assemblies.
Close Spelter Sockets All Dimensions in mm.
Factor Of Safety 5:1 Tensile Strength: 1770/1960 N/mm2 Note The capacity indicated in the above table, for basket hitch and choker itch is for guidance only, vertical column is the actual load the slings can be tested and certified in other words safe working load is applicable for vertical lift only.
Nominal Size of Rope A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), 08, 22, 38, 13, 34, 54, 09, 04, 3.5, 62, 04, 30, 10, 24, 46, 15, 38, 64, 11, 06, 5.5, 76, 05, 34, 12, 32, 60, 19, 44, 80, 13, 08, 7.5, 90, 06, 44, 14, 32, 60, 21, 44, 80, 15, 08, 7.5, 90, 06, 44, 16, 40, 72, 23, 58, 98, 17, 08, 7.5, 114, 08, 56, 18, 44, 80, 29, 66, 110, 19, 10, 9.5, 125, 08, 60, 20, 50, 94, 31, 74, 124, 21, 12, 11.0, 150, 10, 70, 22, 58, 102, 34, 82, 134, 24, 121, 11.0, 165, 10, 78, 24, 64, 108, 36, 92, 150, 26, 12, 11.0, 176, 10, 84, 25, 70, 118, 37, 108, 162, 27, 14, 13.0, 200, 10, 90, 29, 76, 132, 41, 112, 176, 31, 16, 14.5, 230, 12, 100, 32, 96, 152, 44, 134, 196, 34, 16, 14.5, 250, 12, 120, 35, 104, 174, 48, 152, 228, 38, 19, 17.5, 300, 16, 136, 38, 114, 198, 54, 165, 254, 41, 24, 22.0, 330, 18, 150, 41, 114, 198, 56, 165, 254, 44, 24, 22.0, 330, 18, 150, 44, 125, 222, 57, 178, 285, 47, 26, 23.5, 355, 25, 175, 48, 134, 246, 67, 190, 315, 51, 28, 25.5, 380, 28, 190, 51, 140, 256, 70, 330, 330, 55, 30, 27.5, 400, 28, 196, 54, 140, 256, 70, 200, 330, 58, 30, 27.5, 400, 28, 196, 57, 146, 270, 76, 216, 355, 61, 32, 29.5, 425, 30, 206, 64, 156, 308, 95, 240, 400, 69, 44, 41.0, 450, 32, 220, 70, 200, 400, 120, 275, 500, 75, 60, 57.0, 480, 40, 280, Note, For wire ripes of intermediate size, the next larger size of thimble shall be used., These dimension are minimum for thimblas of nominal size up to and including 41 only
Crosby Fittings Oblong Master Link Item No. W.L.L (tones) Dimensions (mm) N.W IL IW D 8-003-06 1.5 100 60 11 0.2 8-003-0806 3.2 120 70 14 0.4 8-003-1008 4.0 140 80 17 0.7 8-003-13 6.3 160 90 19 1.0 8-003-1310 8.0 160 22 22 1.5 8-003-16 11.5 190 25 25 2.2 8-003-1613 15.0 180 105 28 2.7 8-003-19 17.0 200 120 30 3.5 8-003-2216 20.0 240 140 34 5.1 8-003-26 25.0 250 150 38 7.0 8-003-2619 30.0 250 150 40 8.0
Open Spelter Sockets All Dimensions in mm.
Marzoli Ring High quality spare parts for Marzoli machines manufacture, importers and suppliers in India. We use the most advanced technology and graded raw materials to manufacture the Textile Machinery Marzoli Spare Parts like Marzoli Rings, Peg etc. We have been regularly supplying this "Marzoli Spare Parts" to many contractors and associated people in this Field across India. We would request to you to please send to us your enquiries for the same so that we can send to you more details and our commercial offer for the same.
Name - Full Thread Stud Min order - 10 pcs Manufacture in Ahmedabad Gujarat India Packing as per client require Sample yes Capacity 500000 pcs per month Sample Cost Buyer Brand-Accurate Hs code - 7318 Key Specification- 1.Grade 4.6,4.8,8.8,10.9,12.9 (Is,ISO & Din) & B7,B7m,B16,l7,B8,B8m (Cl2) 2.Material as per is i 367 part-iii & astm 193,astm A320 a307 A453 3.Size m6 to m100 & above (1/4'' to 4.0'' & above) Key advantage 1.Highly accurate in dimension and supply with certificate
We are offering anchor fastener
Fastener nuts bolts and washers ,Hex Nuts Take advantage of our clearance sale on high-quality fasteners! Please visit our website at "Pankaj International" and email us to check our ready stock inventory for the best deals. Our ready stock includes: Hex Nuts, Flange Nuts, Heavy Hex Nuts, HSFG Bolts, Washers, and more!
Minimum Order Quantity 1000 KG Material Grade SS316 Size 3/4" Usage/Application Structure Pipe Brand Pankh Material Stainless Steel Packaging Type Box Surface Finishing Chrome Finish
Brand Pankh Usage/Application Construction Color Silver Size 3 inch Material Stainless Steel Head Shape Round Surface Finishing Polished Connection Type Female Country of Origin Made in India An SS socket, or stainless steel socket, is a fitting used to connect pipes or tubes. It's designed to fit over the end of a pipe and is held in place with a screw or weld. SS sockets are a vital component of many mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. They are made from stainless steel, an alloy that is known for its resistance to