Integrated circuit, semiconductor, passive and active components.
Integrated circuits, memory ics, diodes, transistors, capacitors, resistors, varistors, fuses.
PPTC, transistors, hall effect sensors, Ics.
MLCC, chip capacitors, ceramic capacitors, IC.
S2700 Series Switches FE downlink ports and GE uplink ports Switching capacity of up to 64 Gbits Intelligent Stack for simplified network configuration and management Highly scalable and energy-efficient, S2700 Series Switches provide Fast Ethernet 100 Mbit s speeds for enterprise campus networks. Combining advanced switching technologies, Versatile Routing Platform (VRP) software, and comprehensive built-in security features, this series is well suited for building and expanding future-oriented Information Technology (IT) networks. Our company involves voice communications, video conferencing, data communications, server storage, network transmission, wireless secure transmission access, UPS, cloud computing, worker intelligence and other Internet of things and Cisco switches, video conferencing, servers and other integrated solutions of the whole chain products. If you have any need, please contact me. Looking forward to cooperating with you!
Trimming potentiometers, capacitors, varistors and diodes.