Garment cad software Fully automatic pattern design, formula pattern design, free design Automatic grading/nesting Intelligent order for quoting. Wds: 1, formula design nad grading automatically. 2, free design 3, read manaual designed pattern, 4, modify pattern, add shirnkage, seam allowance, cut pattern, combine pattern and so on. 5, point grading. 6, line grading 7, memory grading 8, formula grading 9, print, plot and cut. Wes: conversion system Jindex conversion system can derectly read other software í«s format file, such as lectra, gerber. It can conversion other format file as aama/dxf. Wms: 1automaticnesting 2timerautomaticnesting 3manual and interactive nesting 4stripes match nesting 5automatic caculation 6automatic depart 7manual depart 8print, plot and cut. 9intelligent order.
Garment CAD software, pen plotter, inkjet plotter, digitizer, cutter plotter, spreader.