We are suppliers of Griffonia seeds from Ghana new season crop we supply in larger quantities.
Botanical Name: Moringa olifera, English Name: Drumstick, Hindi Name: Sigru, Telugu Name: Munaga
Soap Nut
Scientific Name Terminalia Chebula Health benefits and mild laxative., digestive aid, gastrointestinal prokinetic agent, It is good to increase appetite, liver stimulant, stomachic
Scientific Name Rhododendron Setosum Health benefits and is also used to treat diar-rhoea and fevers, It antiseptic and improve the efficacy of the immune system
Scientific Name Swertia Chirayita
Scientific Name : Rhododendron Anthopogon Health benefits : com-mon cold and gastro-intestinal disorders., pain, Rhododendrons have been used in traditional medi-cine mainly against inflamma-tion, skin ailments
Scientific Name : Pouzolzia zeylanica
Scientific Name : Allium carolinianum
Scientific Name : Paris polyphylla Health benefits : curing burns, cuts, diarrhea, dysentery, fever, It is used to treat liver cancer, stomachache and wounds
Scientific Name : Phyllanthus Emblica Health benefits : Amla berries are rich in antiox-idants, and cancer. Amla berries are also an excellent source of: Vitamin C. Vitamin E., diabetes, which reduce the risk of chronic health conditions like heart disease
Scientific Name : Rubia Cordifolia Health benefits ; dermatitis and skin ulcers, Heals eczema
Woven on hand-operated looms and embroidered with Bhutanese cultural icons and landscape, this cushion creates a distinctive look to your interior. Available in different designs and colours with similar throws. Scientific Name : Sapindus Mukorossi Health benefits : natural lather
Scientific Name : Myricaria Rosea
Scientific Name : Neopicrorhiza
Scientific Name : Litsea monopetala
Scientific Name : Acorus calamas
Tiger Grass
Roasted Chicory Cubes Dry Chicory Cubes