This plant is used to help treat digestive disorders, headaches, nosebleeds, fever, insomnia.It is known to stimulate a women's menstrual cycle. Pregnant and breast-feeding women are advised to avoid mugwort due to potential risk.
As the name suggests, blue tea has a beautiful and unique blue color. This tea is made from butterfly pea flowers. Unlike green tea which has a slightly bitter taste, blue tea has a sweet and earthy taste. This makes blue tea easier to like, including people who donot like the bitter taste of tea. Blue tea is known to have many health benefits. The following are seven helath benefits of blue tea : Skin health Excellent source of antioksidants that stimulate collagen and elastin syintetic helping to rejuvanete the skin, reduce wrinkles and other effects of ageing skin Eye Health Exelent source proanthocyanidins that protect the eyes from cataracts and glaucoma and may help with improving eyesight and vision â?¢ Stress relief Contains anxiolyhic to reduce stress and anxienty- gives a calming effect â?¢ Hair Helath Excellent source of flavonoids that promote hair growth, thicken the hair and reduce greying of the hair Pain relief Natural analgesic that helps to relieve pain Specifications: Product Name : Butterfly Pea flower Origin : Indonesia Color : Natural Purple Style : Dry Slice Part : Leaf Color : Purple Netto : 1 Kg, 10 Kg/ Plastik vacum, 25 Kg / Plastik PP Packaging : Plastic clips / Bulk Sack Capacity : 100 kg/Week Product Name : Butterfly Pea flower Origin : Indonesia Color : Natural Purple Style : Dry Slice Part : Leaf Color : Purple Filter Leaf : 80 - 150 mesh Netto : 1 Kg, 10 Kg/ Plastik vacum, 25 Kg / Plastik PP Packaging : Plastic clips / Bulk Sack Capacity : 100 kg/Week CATALOG PRODUCT HERBAL MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) By DHL, UPS,USPS,EMSPOS By Air Cargo By Container 3 kg 100 kg 1000 kg
(Molokhia) Corchorus olitorious Leaves crushed
Anethum graveolens Crushed cut
Cassia acutifolia Leaves crushed Ground
Menthae crispa L. Leaves crushed -TBC
Majorana hortensis L crushed
Ocimum basilicum L. leaves-crushed
Scientific Name: Prunus Cerasus Family: Rosaceae
Scientific Name: Prunus Mahleb Synonyms: Cerasus Mahaleb (L.) Mill. Other Names in English: Perfumed Cherry, Rock Cherry
Scientific Name: Toddalia Asiatica (L.) Lam. Family: Rutaceae
Scientific Name: Lamium Album L. Synonyms: Lamium Capitatum Sm., Lamium Foliosum Crantz Other Names in English: Blind Nettle, Bee Nettle Family: Labiatae
Scientific Name: Teucrium Scordioider Schreb. Family: Labiatae
Scientific Name: Leptadenia pyrotechnica Family: Apocynaceae
Scientific Name: Lepidium Latifolium L. Other Names in English: Dittany, Green Mustard, Pepper Grass Family: Cruciferae
Scientific Name: Origanum Majorana L. Synonyms: Majorana Hortensis Moench, Origanum Majoranoides Willd Other Names in English: Knotted Marjoram Family: Labiatae
Scientific Name: Heracleum Persicum Desf. Other Names in English: Mountain Pride
Scientific Name: Polyporus Officinalis Fries. Other Names in English: Fungus Laricis, Agaric, and Fungus of the larch Family: Polyporaceae
Scientific Name: Melissa Officinalis L. Synonyms: Melissa Cordifolia Pers, Melissa Rommana Mill., Melissa Graveolens Host Family: Labiatae
Scientific Name: Ocimum Album L. Synonyms: Ocimum Basilicum Family: Labiatae Cultivation Mode: Wild Collection/ Cultivated