We offer alpinia galanga. Alpinia galanga. Different trade names are kolinjan, dumpurashtram, perarathai, galangal roots. Alpinia galanga is also known as kolinjan in india. It is associated to the zingiberacease family. The rhizome of greater galangal is used to treat variety of diseases in traditional medicine system. It is used to treat cough, bronchial catarrh, ache, lumbago, rheumatic pains, chest pain, and diabetes, improve appetite, liver, kidney disease etc. In ayurveda, kulanjan is known for its bitter, heating, pungent stomachic properties and used for improving digestion and appetite, taste, voice, vata roga (arthritis, gout, rheumatism etc.) treatment. It is a digestive tonic that promotes appetite and relieves flatulence. The paste of whole plant with honey is used to decrease urine production and also to treat whooping cough.