Gaharu products is still needed throughout the world, it can have significant impact on price increases.
We provide this Gaharu on an ongoing basis and can serve exports to your country.
With quality packaging and production processes, making the products we sell have selling points that are not only economical but also safe.
With our full support we help you become an importer of the products we sell.
Chamomile was used thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt, where it was honored for its great curative properties. It was first used in Europe about 1600, to help with insomnia, back pain, rheumatism, neuralgia and nervousness.
Color - Nature color
Details of product
Clean and neat, tight and dried tea shape; strong heavy ,brisk and fresh taste
Taste - Flower, sour and bitter
Main Feature & Benefits:
- Can relieve muscle pain caused by headaches, migraines, or fever.
- Can resist aging and moisturize skin, and tea soup can also be used as a nourishing agent for hair.
- Drinking chamomile tea has a calming effect and makes people gentle and kind.
- It is also helpful for sleep and stability.
Chamomile was used thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt, where it was honored for its great curative properties. It was first used in Europe about 1600, to help with insomnia, back pain, rheumatism, neuralgia and nervousness.
Color - Nature color
Details of product
Clean and neat, tight and dried tea shape; strong heavy ,brisk and fresh taste
Taste - Flower, sour and bitter
Main Feature & Benefits:
- Can relieve muscle pain caused by headaches, migraines, or fever.
- Can resist aging and moisturize skin, and tea soup can also be used as a nourishing agent for hair.
- Drinking chamomile tea has a calming effect and makes people gentle and kind.
- It is also helpful for sleep and stability.
Achillea millefolium, flores
High quality common yarrow for wholesale
The smell of the plant is slightly aromatic, the taste is weakly and pleasantly spicy and tart. Leaves and inflorescences are used as a spice, but without the stem. Dry crushed plant and essential oil are used to flavor alcoholic beverages and culinary products.
The plant is widely used in medicine in various countries and in veterinary medicine.
We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances.
Country of origin - Ukraine
Dried redhaw flowers, Crataegus laevigata, organic european hawthorn
High quality dried organic or conventional Redhaw flowers for wholesale
Bark, fruits and flowers are used for medicinal purposes in folk medicine. They are collected in dry weather in May-June, fruits - in August-September, bark - in the period of sap flow.
Well-dried raw materials have a pleasant smell.
Hawthorn is not toxic and can be used for a long time.
We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances
Country of origin - Ukraine
High quality Common chickweed for wholesale
Stellaria media is edible and nutritious, and is used as a leaf vegetable, often raw in salads.The essence of the fresh plant is used in homeopathy. Also is used in traditional and folk medicine.
We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances.
Country of origin - Ukraine
High quality dried Grindelia herb for wholesale
It has long been a medicinal plant. An extensive list of physiologically active substances makes grindelia a promising plant from the point of view of pharmaceutical use.
We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances.
Country of origin - Ukraine
High quality common cocklebur for wholesale
Used in medicine. The leaves contain a relatively large amount of iodine, alkaloids and ascorbic acid (about 31.8 mg%). The fruit contains oils, resins, glycoside xanthostrumarin and iodine.
We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances.
Country of origin - Ukraine
Hawthorn berries contain antioxidants, therefore, they help improve blood circulation, regulate the contraction of the heart muscle and help cleanse blood vessels. Ursulic acid has a cardiostimulating effect and dilates blood vessels. Therefore, most often hawthorn berries are used to treat: angina pectoris; hypertension; arrhythmias; myocardial infarction. The biologically active substances that make up the hawthorn fruit have a calming effect, positively affecting the nervous system.
Hawthorn berries are harvested during their full ripening from August to the end of October. Ripe berries are collected in bags or baskets, cutting off the whole inflorescence with berries or berries separately. The raw material is taken to a rockery where it is dried in a heated, temperature-controlled room. The berries are then cleaned of stalks and twigs, leaves, pips, defects, and unripe berries.
* Wild-growing plants
* Max drying temperature 50 degrees C
* Humidity 8-9%
* Purification method: color-sorting machine
* Packaging weight 25 kg OR on request
* Production capacity from 20 tons per season
* High nutrient content from the south of Ukraine
The price may vary depending on the volume and season.
Ecologically clean Odessa region in Ukraine allows us to collect wild plants with a high content of nutrients.
At your request, we will provide a photo and any information about a particular batch.
Fito-Export, medicinal herbs supply partner for your business.
Rose hips (lat. Hip rose, fruit) can be used in many different variations. First of all, rosehip is a powerful bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and phytoncidal agent. Thanks to the record content of vitamin C, it gives a boost of immunity and increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections.
The picking season is from September to November.
Workers pick the berries by hand as they ripen. Raw material is delivered to the company, where it is dried in a heated, temperature-controlled room. Then, berries are cleaned of peduncles and twigs, leaves, defects and unripe berries.
- Wild plants.
- Humidity (9% -10%).
- Maximum amount
- Purification method: color-sorting machine
- Packaging (weight 25 kg)
- Production capacity - from 100000 tons
Robinia pseudoacacia, radicer
High quality False acacia flowers and/or bark for wholesale
In traditional medicine different parts of Robinia pseudoacacia are used as laxative, antispasmodic, and diuretic.
The flowers are sometimes used to produce a sweet and perfumed jam.
Seeds and flowers contain up to 12% essential oil and are used in perfumery.
We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances.
Country of origin - Ukraine
Betula pendula, herba
High quality white burch leaf for wholesale
Birch leaves are widely used in cosmetology - they are included in shampoos and balms.Leaves are used in folk and scientific medicine. Essential oil, resinous substances, flavonoids, saponins (up to 3.2%), tannins (5-9%), ascorbic acid (up to 2.8%), essential oil (0.04-0.05%) were found in the leaves. ).
We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances.
Country of origin - Ukraine
Sambucus ebulus, radices
High quality dried dwarf elder for wholesale
Dwarf elder (Sambucus ebulus L) is one of the best known medicinal herbs since ancient times. In view of its benefits as a widely applicable phytomedicine, it is still used in folk medicine of different parts of the world. In addition to its nutritional values, dwarf elder contains different phytochemicals among which flavonoids and lectins are responsible for most of its therapeutic effects. Dwarf elder has been used for different ailments including: joint pains, cold, wounds, and infections.
We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances.
Country of origin - Ukraine