Diptery.-c odorata (Aublet) Willd. Tonka bean Family - Legumlnosae (Papilionoideae) Vernacular names - Guyana - Aipo, Krapabosi, Kumaru, Tonka bean lnternatlonal trade name - Cumaru Wood description Sapwood - distinct, yellowish (2-4cm) Heartwood - beige brown with yellow or purplish pink tinge: becoming red brown with age Grain - frequently Interlocked, sometimes highly Texture - fine to medium Processing Sawing - power required Drying - blunting effect: moderate must be handled with care and slowly dried kiln schedule for 41 mm listed below risks of distortion: more or less high risks of checking: more or less high some risk of casehardening In thick stock movement in service low to medium Natural durability Resistance to decay - Very Good Resistance to termites - Very Good Resistance to insects of drywood - Good Treatability - Poor Uses - sleepers; bridges; flooring; weathered construction; hydraulic works; heavy carpentry; gearing; marine construction; decorative veneer; tumcry
Emeralds polished and unpolished.