Dear All, we have available for sale around 50MT per month of PVC Compound Black K70 on an ongoing basis. You can contact us directly for a detailed offer.
Form: 0-4�¼m powder Properties: MINERAL COMPOSITION Calcium Carbonate : 98% Dolomite: 1% Quartz: 1% CHEMICAL COMPOSITION CaO=54,9%, MgO=0,25%, SiO2=0,06%, Fe2O3=0,14%, Al2O3=0,40%, K2O=0,04%, Na2O=0,07%, MnO=0,02%, CO2=43,20%. PHYSICAL MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Apparent density=2714kg/m3(ASTM C-97) Water absorption coefficient=0,02%wt (ASTM C-97) COMPRESSIVE RESISTANCE-WET CONDITION=110MPa (ASTM C-170) FLEXURAL RESISTANCE-WET CONDITION = 21 MPa (ASTM C-99) Frictional Wear=6,69mm (DN 52108-20 Cycles). Knoop Microhardness=134,1kg/mm2 EC / List no.: 207-439-9 CAS no.: 471-34-1 HS code: 28365000