Fine-bone china and high quality white china.
Plastic Tips for 10 ul, 200 ul, 1000 ul etc.. Optional with sterile, filter, length etc..
*Description* This rovings Fiber Glass is a high-tech reinforcement for long fiber polyamide (PA) processes such as granulate long fiber thermoplastic (GLFT) and direct long fiber thermoplastic (DLFT). This rovings offer a hydrolytic stability in high performance applications. Each package is in a wrap film with each pallet stretch wrapped to protect the fiber glass roving from dirt and moisture. *Processing advantages* Excellent spreadability of the roving filaments in thermoplastic pultrusion allowing complete resin impregnation. Sizing on the fiber surface has been tailored to provide optimal balance of dry strength, fiber resin wetting and minimal sizing rub-off on process contact points. Available in outside and inside payout. Excellent processing in pultruded GLFT processes for molding of high performance long glass PA end products. Excellent wet out and saturation in polyamide (PA) resin. Highest mechanical as-molded properties with best-in-class long-term hydrolytic stability. KOHLI POLYMERS GMBH