Berberis, scientifically known as Berberis Vulgaris, is found in temperate and subtropical regions of the world, including South America and Asia. Late spring and early summer is the season of berberis flowers to bloom. Berberis has a cold and dry nature and therefore can reduce mucus secretions. Other properties include improving rheumatism, blood purification, strengthening heart function and destruction of kidney and bladder stones.
Berberis, scientifically known as Berberis Vulgaris, is found in temperate and subtropical regions of the world, including South America and Asia. Late spring and early summer is the season of berberis flowers to bloom. Berberis has a cold and dry nature and therefore can reduce mucus secretions. Other properties include improving rheumatism, blood purification, strengthening heart function and destruction of kidney and bladder stones.
Sumac, scientifically known as Rhus Coriaria, is a mountain shrub with clustered fruits that can be used as a seasoning after being crushed as a flavoring with foods such as kebab. The sumac is cold and dry in nature. Sumac is anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-diabetic and is effective in treating hemorrhoids, fever and inhibiting hepatitis B.
Date syrup has the same properties as dates. It contains iron and phosphorus, which makes using it while having breakfast help activating nerve cells and prevent anemia in people. Date syrup relieves rheumatic pain and arterial and venous diseases.