We provide GeneFinderTM COVID-19 Plus RealAmp Kit CE-IVD The analysis method, it is a nose testing. (Viral RNA extration menthod) The test results comes out in 120mins (2 hours) which is the most advanced type in the world. 1 Kit = 100 testing Directly with korean manufacturer
Le test antignique rapide WONDFO est un test immuno-chromatographique. Ce test antignique est prvu pour dtecter un antigine du SARS-CoV-2 de manire qualitative. Le rsultat est donn entre 15 Â 30 minutes. Ce test antignique rapide WONDFO est reconnu par l'tat. Vendu par colis de 840 units.
600 000p available
1 600 000p available OTG France
1 500 000p available OTG France
Covid products.
Ppe products.