Blood glucose testing strip designed to eliminate the risk of a false reading by checking each sample twice. one Touch Ultra 100 Test Strips is a brilliant diabetic care product for diabetic patient to examine the blood sugar level on a regular basis and keep a check on it. The pack consists of 50 blood glucose monitoring strips. The Onetouch Ultra 2 is one of the best in class glucometers which makes self-monitoring of blood glucose very easy. OEM Meter Diabetes Sensor Blood Glucose Test Strips Packing:24Sets / CTN CTN Dimension:37X32.5X20.5CM G.W:4.7 KGs N.W:4.2 KGs
Product Height 22 Millimetre Product Width 195 Millimetre Product Weight 57 Gram Manufacturer Warranty Period Not Known
Poly-Dtech is pleased to present our new RAPIDTECH rapid antigen test which detects the presence of the SARS-COV-2 virus responsible for Covid-19 in the body through an oropharyngeal (mouth) or nasopharyngeal swab, and which is packaged in France. Advantages over conventional PCR: - Speed (less than 15 min) - Ease of use (can be performed anywhere) - Convenience (sampling in the mouth) - Low cost Our study shows performance with a sensitivity of 94% and a specificity of 100% on 1300 patients. Following the recommendation of the ANSM and the mutation of the virus, our RAPIDTECH test can be used without restriction and with complete confidence. Our device detects the N protein of the virus and is not affected by the mutation of the S (Spike) protein of the new strain. Our test is validated by the French Ministry of Health.
Covid 19 Test Nose Red Test Cultur Fluid
Covid 19 Test Throat Transparent Test Kit EN13612 :2002/AC:2002 ENISO23640: 2015 ENISO 18113 1:2016 ENISO13485: 2016 ENISO18113 2:2011 ENI13641:2002 ENISO14971:2012 ENISO15223 1:2016
Covid 19 Test Nose Transparent Test Kit
Covid 19 Test Throat Red Test Kit
Complies with the applicable essential requirements of the council directive 98/79/EEC on medical devices as amended . Recognized by the French, German and Italian health authorities.
We provide GeneFinderTM COVID-19 Plus RealAmp Kit CE-IVD The analysis method, it is a nose testing. (Viral RNA extration menthod) The test results comes out in 120mins (2 hours) which is the most advanced type in the world. 1 Kit = 100 testing Directly with korean manufacturer
Availability: 6M units as per today 21.11.21, goods ready to go, with an option to extend Price: $4.20 per unit Comms open: $0.10 Delivery: 10-14 days from deposit 30% (CIF USA, Air freight) Payment terms: 30% deposit upon order confirmation, 70% upon receipt of Documentation â?? Documents are: Packing list, SGS, AWB, Letter of Export and Invoice Note: Must be as per FDA cleared under EUA, buyer responsible for custom clearance (7%). Seller can give a guarantee, PB. Procedure: PO to our partner, who is direct to the allocation holder.
Rapid test kits.
Covid 19 rapid test kits.
Covidtech (antibody igm / igg rapid test) and rapidtech (antigen rapid test)..
boson kits covid.
Keywords HCG pregnancy rapid test
This device is a qualitative serology test based on immunochromatography. The appearance of a coloured band indicates the presence of the antibody within 10 minutes. The test can be used for vaccination control. This test controls two types of antibodies in parallel: IgM and IgG. The IgM antibody level starts to be truly detectable about a week after the initial infection, while IgG usually appears within 14 days of infection and can last for several months or even years. The device is now approved by the Ministry of Health. Using two drops of blood, the test can detect COVID-19 in less than 10 minutes. The test is based on the detection of antibodies specific to the disease. The test has the advantage of giving a result during and after contamination. The specificity of the test (IgM and IgG) is 100% (study carried out by different hospitals). The sensitivity of the test is 92.8% for IgM antibodies and 96.5% for IgG antibodies for false negatives (1300 tests). The performance values of our device are in line with the recommendations of the Haute Autorit de Sant (HAS) The test have been approved and controlled by French government (ANR: Pasteur)
Le test antignique rapide WONDFO est un test immuno-chromatographique. Ce test antignique est prvu pour dtecter un antigine du SARS-CoV-2 de manire qualitative. Le rsultat est donn entre 15 Â 30 minutes. Ce test antignique rapide WONDFO est reconnu par l'tat. Vendu par colis de 840 units.
600 000p available
1 600 000p available OTG France