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Fertilizer products such as Urea N46, MOP, DAP, Sulfur
We have urea fertilizer with a high specification of nitrogen 46 and a pure white color
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Black Fungus
Benefits * It Stimulates Plants Metabolism And Well-being, Even In Stress Conditions * It Allows Increasing The Yield And Final Quality Of Vines, Olive Trees And Other Fruits * It Allows Increasing The Sugar Degree And The Yield In Oil * Plant-derived Foliar Biostimulant What is it? * ILSAC-ON is an innovative natural biostimulant rich in the enzymatic hydrolysate of Fabaceae, natural Triacontanol and other vegetal compounds with a biostimulant action. The biostimulant acts as a natural hormonal-like product and is characterized by intense biological activity. What does it do? * ILSAC-ON influences several metabolic processes of the plants, as well as allows to achieve various benefits both for crops and farmers. * The biostimulant stimulates vegetative development, enhances photosynthesis and biosynthesis of metabolites, which are rapidly translocated to vegetative organs (fruits, buds, etc.). Therefore, it increases the sugar quantity in wine grapes, the oil quantity in olives and other oil crops, as well as improves the quality of the final yield. Furthermore, ILSAC-ON ensures a balance between vegetative development and fruits swelling. Besides, the biostimulant enhances the fast uptake and translocation of nutrients and water into the plant. * The benefits achieved from ILSAC-ON are due to the action of L. amino acids, natural Triacontanol and other plant extracts (characterized by a biostimulant action) that influence the activity of several enzymes involved in the metabolism of Carbon and the absorption and assimilation of Nitrogen. Accordingly, it increases nutritional efficiency allowing to obtain vigorous and healthy plants even if abiotic stress occurred (jump in temperatures, drought, salinity, high transpiration, etc.). In this way, plants can express the maximum of their potential genetic. How to use it? * ILSAC-ON can be applied by a foliar application during the period of intense vegetative growth on fruit, tree and vegetable crops. * ILSAC-ON has a wide action range and perfect miscibility with all commercial formulations present in the market. Thanks to these features ILSAC-ON can be applied during the main phenological stage and mixed with all PPPs (pesticides, insecticides, etc.). Chemical And Physical Features Liquid Brown Colourph 5,5 ± 0,5density 1,15 ± 0,02 Kg/dm3 Conductivity E.c. 1,50 ± 0,20 Ds/m COMPOSITION * Total Aminoacids 5 %Free Aminoacids1,5 %Natural Triacontanol (mg/kg)10 * Hydrolysis degree 30 %Organic Carbon (C)10 % Contains In Particular * Enzymatic Hydrolysate Of Fabaceae Characterising Substances * Plant-derived Triacontanol, Plant-derived Amino Acids, Plant Extracts With A Hormone-like Action
Ilsapolicos Benefits * Enhances The Absorption Of The Nutrients. * Increases The Plants Tolerance To Abiotic Stress. Accelerates The First Phenological Stage And Anticipates The Flowering Stage Radical Biostimulant What Is It? * Ilsapolicos Is A Biostimulant Derived From Vegetal Matrices, Rich In Liquid Alfa-alfa Extract, Seaweed, Molasses, And Natural Triacontanol (extracted Through The Supercritical Fluids Extraction Sfe) With A Biostimulant Action On Vegetal Physiology. What Does It Do? * Ilsapolicos Action Is Significantly Evident In Extreme Condition As High Salinity, Jump Temperatures, And Drought, Etc. Which May Limit The Apparatus Expansion In The Rhizosphere. * Ilsapolicos Is Rich In Organic Molecules From Vegetal Sources, Such As Natural Triacontanol, Polysaccharides, Betaines, And Potassium Essential For Root Development, And The Formation Of Adventitious And Absorbent Root Hairs. Therefore, The Development Of Root Apparatus In-depth And Width Is Enhanced. Furthermore, The Organic Molecules Enhance The Cell Multiplication With A Positive Action Also In The Aerial Organs Improving New Shoot Development And Anticipating The Flowering And Fruit Setting Stage. * Ilsapolicos Improves The Absorption Of The Nutrients Increasing Nutritional Efficiency As Well. In The Greenhouse And When High Temperatures Will Occur, Ilsapolicos Has A Positive Effect In Keeping Plants More Compact, Reducing The Internodes, And Increasing The Final Yield. How To Use It? * Ilsapolicos Can Be Applied By Fertigation On Fruit, Tree And Vegetable Crops, After-transplantation And/or Vegetative Restart And During The Whole Crop Cycle To Enhance Rotting And Vegetative Growth. Furthermore, During The Fertigation Treatments, Ilsapolicos Can Be Mixed With Minerals For Better And Rapid Absorption Of Nutrients. Chemical And Physical Features * Liquid Brown Colourph 7,5 ± 0,5density 1,28 ± 0,02 Kg/dm3conductivity E.c. 4,00 +- 0,20 Ds/m Composition * Organic Nitrogen (n)2,5 %organic Carbon (c)17,5 %water Soluble Potassium * Oxide (k2o)6 %betaine1 %natural Triacontanol (mg/kg)10 Contains In Particular * Alfalfa Fluid Extract, Seaweed And Molasses Characterising Substances * Plant-derived Triacontanol, Betaines, Polysaccharides, Potassium
NK 5,5.0.2,5 What is it? ILSAMIN BIO-K is a nutritional speciality in a liquid formulation rich in organic Nitrogen, Amino acids, and Potassium. The fertilizer is positioned by fertigation to stimulate vegetative growth. ILSAMIN BIO-K provides organic Nitrogen, Amino acids, Potassium, and polysaccharides essential for vegetative development and, for soil fertility, as well as the organic molecules, increase the plant tolerance against abiotic stress. How to use it? ILSAMIN BIO-K is indicated by fertigation on tree, fruit, and vegetable crops at the first vegetative growth and during the whole crop cycle. Using the product after fruit harvest enhances the nutrients accumulation into the sinks (buds, roots, stem, etc.). What are the benefits? High nutritional efficiency; stimulates the plant's vegetative-productive development even in conditions of abiotic stress; increases the plants tolerance to abiotic stress; enhances soil fertility and nutrients availability. COMPOSITION Total Nitrogen (N) 5,5 %Of which: Organic Nitrogen (N)5,5 %Water soluble Potassium oxide (K2O)2,5 %Organic Carbon (C)21 %Total Aminoacids>28 %pH6,5 +- 0,5 DENSITY1,23 +- 0,02 kg/dm3CONDUCTIVITY E.C.1,80 +- 0,20 dS/m
N 9 100% GELAMIN What is it? * ILSADRIP FORTE is a nutritional speciality in a liquid formulation rich in organic Nitrogen, free Amino acids and peptides. Technically the product is positioned by fertigation to stimulate rooting and vegetative development. * ILSADRIP FORTE supplies GELAMIN, a protein matrix rich in organic Nitrogen and free Amino acids essential for plant metabolism. The fertilizer stimulates root development, photosynthesis process and plant resistance to abiotic stress. Besides, the presence of organic Nitrogen increases the vegetative growth and the development of new shoots. * In the end, the "complexing and carrier" action of Amino acids improves the absorption and translocation of nutrients into the plant. How to use it? * ILSADRIP FORTE is indicated for tree, fruit and vegetable crops by fertigation in post- transplantation and/or during the whole crop cycle (also in association with commodities). What are the benefits? * High nutritional efficiency; * Fast assimilation and rapid vegetative development (root and foliar); * Allows a reduction in the dosages of mineral fertilizers; * Increases the plants tolerance to abiotic stress. COMPOSITION * Total Nitrogen (N) 9 %Of which: Organic Nitrogen (N)9 %Organic Carbon (C)24,5 %Total Aminoacids>50 %pH5,5 +- 0,5 DENSITY1,22 +- 0,02 kg/dm3CONDUCTIVITY E.C.0,77 +- 0,20 dS/m
N 16 100% GELAMIN What is it? * ETIXAMIN DF is a nutritional speciality in water-soluble powder, created by the ILSA's R&D department, to maximize the effectiveness of organic Nitrogen derived from GELAMI(fluid gelatin for agricultural use). * ETIXAMIN DF is based on a high percentage of organic Nitrogen and Amino acids (in free form and peptides form) obtained from the enzymatic hydrolysis process (FCHE). Amino acids act as carries conveying nutrients into the plant cells. How to use it? * ETIXAMIN DF can be used by fertirrigation or by the foliar application during vegetative growth and throughout swelling fruits and/or vegetables. What are the benefits? * Enhances the photosynthetic process, improving greater vegetative development; * Stimulates the fruits and vegetables swelling; * Increases the plants tolerance to abiotic stress; * Enhances the treatment's efficacy. COMPOSITION * Total Nitrogen (N) 16 %Of which: Organic Nitrogen (N)16 % Organic Carbon (C)44 %Total Aminoacids90 %pH5,5 +- 0,5 CONDUCTIVITY E.C.1,70 +- 0,20 dS/m
NK 9.0.18 Contains Gelamin What is it? * ETIXAMIN BIO-K is a nutritional speciality in water-soluble powder with a high percentage of Potassium complexed by free Amino acids obtained from the enzymatic hydrolysis process (FCHE). The product is created to improve the qualitative features of fruits and vegetables. * ETIXAMIN BIO-K supplies Potassium and Amino acids (in free form and peptides form). Amino acids rapidly convey the complexed Potassium towards the fruits or vegetables, improving the formation of sugars, the biosynthesis of the precursors essential for flavour and aromas and the biosynthesis of the anthocyanins responsible for the rind colour. * Moreover, the presence of a pool of free Amino acids activates the plant's resistance mechanisms to abiotic stress (high temperatures during the summer season, jump in temperature, drought, etc.) and supports the fruits and vegetables ripening stage. How to use it? * ETIXAMIN BIO-K can be applied by fertigation or by the foliar application during the ripening fruits and/or vegetables or in post-harvest on fruit trees to increase the nutrients accumulation on the hibernating buds. What are the benefits? * Enhances fruits or vegetables ripening uniformity; * Increase qualitative features (colour, sugar content, etc.); * Improves nutrients accumulations on the hibernating buds; * Increases the plants tolerance to abiotic stress. COMPOSITION * Total Nitrogen (N) 9 %Of which: Organic Nitrogen (N)9 %Water soluble Potassium oxide (K2O)18 %Water soluble Sulfur trioxide (SO3)15,5 %Organic Carbon (C)25 %pH6,0 +- 0,5 CONDUCTIVITY E.C.5,5 +- 0,30 dS/m
N 14 100% GELAMIN What is it? ETIXAMIN is a nutritional speciality in water-soluble powder, created by the ILSA's R&D department, to maximize the effectiveness of organic Nitrogen derived from GELAMIN (fluid gelatin for agricultural use) and to increase the final production and quality of the cultivated crops. .How to use it? ETIXAMIN supplies organic Nitrogen and Amino acids (in free form and under peptides form) with a rapid action mechanism, thanks to the presence of free amino acids which act as carrier of nutrients present in the final solution. Besides, free amino acids produced from the enzymatic hydrolysis process support the translocation of nutrients into the plant and stimulate the plant's resistance mechanisms to overcome abiotic stress. ETIXAMIN can be used by fertirrigation and by the foliar application during the vegetative development and/or during the fruits or vegetables swelling stage. What are the benefits? High nutritional efficiency; Stimulates the plant's vegetative-productive development Increases the plants tolerance to abiotic stress; Enhances the treatment's efficacy. COMPOSITION Organic Nitrogen (N) 14 % Of which: Organic Nitrogen (N)14 %Organic Carbon (C)40 %Total Aminoacids>90 %pH5,7 +- 0,5 CONDUCTIVITY E.C.1,60 +- 0,20 dS/m
Ilsamin N90 Biostimulant Benefits * Overcome Stress Situations * (saline, Thermal And Water Stress As Well As Hail-induced Stress) * Improve The Use Of The Nitrogen Absorbed * Increase Flowering And The Number Of Fruits As Well As Promote * The Transfer Of Sugars Into Fruits * Stimulate The Natural Defences Of Plants * Product With Specific Action On Plants What Is It? * Ilsamin N90 Is A Bio-stimulant In Liquid Formulation Allowed In Organic Farming And Indicated For Leaf Treatment Of Plants Subject To Environmental And Physiological Stress. The Formulation Is Based On A Pool Of Free Amino Acids (> 10%) And Is The Result Of An Innovative Ilsa Process Of Enzymatic Hydrolysis, Called Fceh (fully Controlled Enzymatic Hydrolysis). The Amino Acid Pool Allows A Positive Action On The Protein Synthesis Of The Plant, Favouring The Recovery Of Its Biochemical Functions After Various Types Of Treatment (herbicides, Plant Protection Treatments, Etc). How Is It Used? * Ilsamin N90 Is Supplied In A Liquid Formulation And Is Indicated For Leaf Applications In Association With Post-emergent Weed Control And Plant Protection Treatments; It Can Also Be Used During The Crop Cycle In Stress Situations (such As Temperature Changes And Water-nutritional Imbalances). Thanks To Its Physico-chemical Characteristics, The Formulation Can Be Mixed With All Chemical, Plant Health Products And Fertilisers Present On The Market. What Benefits Does It Provide? * It Improves The Effectiveness Of Treatments Thanks To The Action Of The Amino Acids, Which Promote The Absorption And Transmission Of Substances Present In The Spraying Solution; As A Consequence, There Is A Reduction In The Number Of Treatments And A Financial Saving Of Time And Money For The Farmer; * It Stimulates The Recovery Of The Biochemical Activities Of Plants Subjected To Stress By Weeding And Chemical Treatments, Allowing A Balanced Development Of Struggling Plants And Reducing Their Recovery Time; I * It Favours The Acclimatisation Of Plants Subjected To Environmental Stress, Improving The Photosynthetic Efficiency Of Green Tissues And The Stay Green Of The Leaves Over Time. As A Consequence, There Is A Greater Biosynthesis Of Carbohydrates Which Ensures A Higher And Better-quality Production In Cereal, Industrial, Horticultural And Fruit Crops Chemical And Physical Features * Liquid Amber Yellow Colourph 5,5 ± 0,5density 1,22 ± 0,02 Kg/dm3conductivity E.c. 1,00 +- 0,20 Ds/m Composition * Organic Nitrogen (n)8,9 %soluble Organic Nitrogen (n)8,9 %organic Carbon (c)25 %free Amino Acids >10% Mainly In Left-handed
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It's used as a natural fertilizer in agriculture.
We PT.CHORI are authorized distributor of below supplier. Product Name : Guano Phospate Manufacturer : In Indonesia Application for : Fertilizer Please feel free to inquiry to us so that we could send more detail spec, production capacity and price.
EC FERTILIZER NPK (MgO) 20-20-20 fertilizer with microelements obtained for mixing BASED ON POTASSIUM NITRATE COMPOSITION - Acidified to PH 3-4 - Low chlorine content CL MAX 1-2% - Nitrogen (N) total 20% - Nitrogen (N) nitric 3% - Nitrogen(N)urea 17% - Phosphoric anhydride (P2O5) soluble in ammonium citrate neutral and in water 20% - Phosphoric anhydride (P2O5) soluble in water 20% - Potassium Oxide (K2O) soluble in water 20% - Magnesium Oxide (MgO) soluble in water 2% - Boron (B) 0.05% - Copper (CU) chelated with EDTA 0.05% - Iron (FE) chelated with EDTA 0.008% - Manganese (Mn) chelated with EDTA 0.06% - Molybdenum (Mo) 0.01% - Zinc (Zc) chelated with EDAT 0.04%
EC FERTILIZER NPK (MgO) 8-24-24 fertilizer with microelements obtained by mixing BASED ON POTASSIUM NITRATE COMPOSITION - Acidified to PH 3-4 - Low chlorine content CL MAX 1-2% - Total nitrogen (N) 8% - Nitrogen (N) nitric 6% - Nitrogen (N) ammoniacal 2% - Phosphoric anhydride (P2O5) soluble in ammonium citrate neutral and in water 24% - Phosphoric anhydride (P2O5) soluble in water 24% - Potassium Oxide (K2O) soluble in water 24% - Boron (B) 0.05% - Copper (CU) chelated with EDTA 0.05% - Iron (FE) chelated with EDTA 0.008% - Manganese (Mn) chelated with EDTA 0.06% - Molybdenum (Mo) 0.01% - Zinc (Zc) chelated with EDAT 0.04%
EC Fertilizer NPK fertilizer (MgO) 10-52-10 with microelements obtained by mixing COMPOSITION - Nitrogen (N) total 10% - Nitrogen (N) ammoniacal 8.6% - Nitrogen (N) urea 1.4% - Phosphoric anhydride (P2O5) soluble in ammonium citrate neutral and in water 52% - Phosphoric anhydride (P2O5) soluble in water 52% - Potassium oxide K2O) soluble in water 10% - Boron (B) 0.010% - Copper (CU) chelated with EDTA 0.007% - Iron (FE) chelated with EDTA 0.006% - Manganese (Mn) chelated with EDTA 0.03% - Molybdenum (Mo) 0.005% - Zinc (Zc) chelated with EDAT 0.007% - PH range that guarantees good stability of the chelated fraction with EDTA: 4-9
EC Fertilizer NPK 10-10-40 fertilizer with microelements obtained by mixing COMPOSITION - Nitrogen (N) total 10% - Nitrogen (N) urea 10% - Phosphoric anhydride (P2O5) soluble in ammonium citrate neutral and in water 10% - Phosphoric anhydride (P2O5) soluble in water 10% - Potassium oxide K2O) soluble in water 40% Boron (B) 0.010% - Copper (CU) chelated with EDTA 0.007% - Iron (FE) chelated with EDTA 0.006% - Manganese (Mn) chelated with EDTA 0.03% - Molybdenum (Mo) 0.005% - Zinc (Zc) chelated with EDAT 0.007% - PH range that guarantees good stability of the chelated fraction with EDTA: 4-9