EC Fertilizer
NPK 10-10-40 fertilizer with microelements obtained by mixing
- Nitrogen (N) total 10%
- Nitrogen (N) urea 10%
- Phosphoric anhydride (P2O5)
soluble in ammonium citrate
neutral and in water 10%
- Phosphoric anhydride (P2O5) soluble in water 10%
- Potassium oxide K2O)
soluble in water 40%
Boron (B) 0.010%
- Copper (CU) chelated with EDTA 0.007%
- Iron (FE) chelated with EDTA 0.006%
- Manganese (Mn) chelated with EDTA 0.03% - Molybdenum (Mo) 0.005%
- Zinc (Zc) chelated with EDAT 0.007%
- PH range that guarantees good
stability of the chelated fraction with EDTA: 4-9
CASTILLO 10-40-10 + ME NPK Fertilizer Mixed Guaranteed Content Total Nitrogen (N) ......................................................................................................%10 Ammonium Nitrogen (NH4-N) %10 Neutral Ammonium Citrate and Water-Soluble Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5).... %40 Water-Soluble Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5)......................................................... %40 Water-Soluble Potassium Oxide (K2O) .................................................................... %10 Water-Soluble Boron (B) ............................................................................................ %0.02 Water-Soluble Manganese (Mn) ............................................................................... %0.05 Water-Soluble Zinc (Zn) ............................................................................................. %0.05
Fertilizers play a key role in improving the productivity of various crops. Fertilizers contain three primary elements. They are nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium(K). They are usually represented on the package as a percentage of their weight i.e. 10-8-6 meaning 10% of N, 8% of P and 6% of K. Formulation percentages vary depending on intended use and desired effects.
NPK Water Soluble Fertilizers Balanced Basis 20-20-20+TE 12-12-17+MgO 19-19-19+TE 20-10-12+2MgO High Nitrogen Basis 23-6-10+TE 30-10-10+TE 22-5-19+TE 20-10-10+2Zn 25-5-10+TE 25-7-7+2MgO 31-11-11+TE High Phosphoric Basis 12-48-8+TE 10-55-10+TE 12-36-12+TE 10-52-10+TE 12-38-10+TE 10-40-10+TE 18-30-15+TE High Potassium Basis 11-5-40+TE 13-13-21+2MgO 16-8-32+TE 15-5-20+3Mg+6S 10-10-40+TE 15-10-30+TE
EC Fertilizer NPK fertilizer (MgO) 10-52-10 with microelements obtained by mixing COMPOSITION - Nitrogen (N) total 10% - Nitrogen (N) ammoniacal 8.6% - Nitrogen (N) urea 1.4% - Phosphoric anhydride (P2O5) soluble in ammonium citrate neutral and in water 52% - Phosphoric anhydride (P2O5) soluble in water 52% - Potassium oxide K2O) soluble in water 10% - Boron (B) 0.010% - Copper (CU) chelated with EDTA 0.007% - Iron (FE) chelated with EDTA 0.006% - Manganese (Mn) chelated with EDTA 0.03% - Molybdenum (Mo) 0.005% - Zinc (Zc) chelated with EDAT 0.007% - PH range that guarantees good stability of the chelated fraction with EDTA: 4-9
Physical presentation : Crystal Color : Off-white Percent % : 21% Application : Landscaping.
Physical presentation : Granular Color : Grey Percent % : 12-12-17+1MgO Application : Direct application.
EC Fertilizer NPK fertilizer (MgO) 16-10-32 with microelements obtained by mixing, BASED ON POTASSIUM NITRATE COMPOSITION -Acidified to PH 3-4 -With low chlorine content CL MAX. 1-2% -Total Nitrogen (N) 16% -Nitrogen (N) nitrate 9% -Nitrogen (N) ammoniacal 2% -Nitrogen (N) urea 5% -Phosphoric pentoxide (P2O5) 10% soluble in neutral ammonium citrate and in water -Potassium oxide (K2O) 32% soluble in water -CL MAX. 1-2% -Boron (B) 0.05% soluble in water -Copper (Cu) 0.05% chelated with water soluble EDTA -Iron (Fe) 0.08% chelated with water soluble EDTA -Manganese (Mn) 0.06% chelated with water soluble EDTA -Molybdenum (Mo) water soluble 0.01% -Zinc (Zn) 0.04% chelated with water soluble EDTA
TECNO EXCALIBUR Total Nitrogen ....................................................10% Nitrate Nitrogen ................................................2.5% Urea Nitrogen ....................................................7.5% Water-soluble Potassium Oxide ........................10% Water-soluble Magnesium Oxide ........................8% Water-soluble Boron .........................................0.1% Water-soluble Manganese.................................. 5% Water-soluble Zinc ..............................................4%
TECNO BILBAO Total Nitrogen ............................................................................................10% Ammonium Nitrogen ...................................................................................1% Nitrate Nitrogen 9% Neutral Ammonium Citrate and Water-soluble Phosphorus Pentoxide.. 5% Water-soluble Phosphorus Pentoxide .......................................................5% Water-soluble Potassium Oxide ...............................................................20% Water-soluble Calcium Oxide ...................................................................10% Water-soluble Magnesium Oxide ...............................................................2%