Water factory for sale Dear All, On this occasion, we would like to present to you the factory of mountain natural spring water HEAVEN - non-carbonated. The factory is owned by the company Instel from Bijeljina - Bosnia and Herzegovina. "HEAVEN" water comes from mountainous areas and ecologically clean and protected environments. Within a radius of 100 kilometers from the source and the factory, there is no presence of heavy or chemical industry facilities We have done analyzes regarding the quality and correctness of products for export to the European Union and we have received a license for export and sale to EU countries, then our water has FDA approval for import to the USA, and also analyzes for quality and correctness are done in Dubai (UAE ) for export and sale in Arab countries. We also have a 35-year concession agreement that we have signed with the state. The factory / bottling plant and the source were built in accordance with EU standards! The source has a capacity of 90 liters per second! Our Company currently produces non-carbonated natural spring water packaged in PET bottles of 0.5 liters, 1.5 liters and PET balloons of 5 liters and 18.9 liters.
st37 carbon steel epoxy paint Sedimantation tank Blower Pump station
This water machine is recognised world wild with various ph level.
Water1One RO Premium: the pleasure of drinking hydrogen rich clean water from a passive Reverse Osmosis filtration system. Water1One combines clean and pure water with the healing power of the hydrogen rich water in an easy to install and use combo. The multi stage filtration system uses basic filtration coming from Heavy Duty Sediment filter + Carbon Block filter + Ultrafiltration component as a pre-RO filter, then water will pass though the Osmotic Membrane and the post-RO filtration system composed of Activated Carbon filter and Mineralising filter, so water is 100 % clean and sure and contains only the minerals your body needs, in the end, as a bonus, water will pass through the redOX filter which adds hydrogen content in water, making your water active, alkaline, and packed with anti-oxydant potential. Using a Reverse Osmosis system, you can be sure that it will remove most of the protozoa, bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, etc., from water. The Mineralising filter will add only the key elements to your water, making it an ideal water to drink. The redOX filter will activate your water, the water can become medicine for your body, improve some conditions and fight against the ageing process. Water1One RO Premium will only work in supply networks that provide a minimum operating pressure of 2.5 bars, otherwise, a booster pump has to be added to the system. Specs for filters: Heavy Duty Sediment filter Filter size: 5 micrometers Maximum operating temperature: 38 C Maximum pressure: 8.5 bar Maximum water flow: 3.8 l/min Maximum lifespan: 11000 l or 6 months *depending on water quality and usage Carbon Block filter Filter size: 5 micrometers Maximum operating temperature: 38 C Maximum pressure: 8.5 bar Maximum water flow: 3.8 l/min Maximum lifespan: 11000 l or 6 months *depending on water quality and usage Ultrafiltration Filter size: 0.1 micrometers Maximum operating temperature: 38 C Maximum pressure: 4 bar Maximum water flow: 3.8 l/min Maximum lifespan: 11000 l or 6 months *depending on water quality and usage Reverse Osmosis Membrane Membrane type: Thin film composite Membrane material: Polyamide Maximum operating pressure: 8.5 bar Maximum flow rate: 450 l/h pH operating range: 2-11 Maximum chlorine concentration: 100 micrograms/l Maximum operating temperature: 38 C Maximum pressure: 6 bar Maximum water flow: 3.8 l/min Maximum lifespan: 7500 l or 6 months *depending on water quality and usage Images:
Manufacturers of Chain for the Water Treatment Industry. Manufactured to industry standards and also to customer specifications. Shipped Worldwide
Electricity-free, communal waste treatment system No annual operating cost, no annual maintenance charges - very cost effective. Treats all household wastes for settlements between 1, 000 to 80, 000 inhabitants. If the settlement is larger, than more than one machine is needed. You can observe the already installed systems, and talk to the mayors of villages and small towns. We will welcome you to Hungary to show you these systems. The initial purchase price will be recovered by your savings on the fact that there is no annual operating cost, and no annual maintenance charges either Depending on size of your settlement. The larger the settlement, the larger the system.
SBR is a high-performance solution for wastewater treatment that can successfully handle batch and continuous flow operations. It is a proven technology with minimal costs and maintenance requirements. Due to high removal capacity and versatility, it is compliant with stringent discharge standards. Biological process and high-quality product generation are the distinct qualities of SBR based sewage treatment plant. Due to streamlined design, SBR small Sewage Treatment Plant is one of the most favored wastewater treatment systems today. This highly flexible technology is useful in a wide variety of applications. Due to high versatility and cost-effectiveness, SBR sewage treatment plant is widely used in: Personal bungalows, houses and weekend homes Hotels, resorts and holiday homes Hospitals Malls and shopping centers Airports and railway stations Commercial and residential complexes Project sites Schools, colleges, and other institutions Small, medium and large manufacturing units Municipal Gardens Sports complexes Other public places US-SBR system is preferred in widespread applications because of its capability of giving the best results in the wide variation of flows. Less operator assistance and high efficiency make it the top-preferred wastewater management system.
12M3/HOUR CAPACITY SEA WATER REVERSE OSMOSIS WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Typical SWRO System consists of; * Intake (Deep well, beach well, open intake, deep sea intakeâ?¦) * Pre-treatment (multimedia filter, cartridge filter, dosing unitsâ?¦) * High pressure pump (according to calculated required pressure with or without energy recovery unit) * Membrane assembly (according to design program) * Energy recovery (details are below) * Remineralization (dolomite filterâ?¦) * Disinfection (ultraviolet or chlorine dosing) STANDARD MODELS Raw Water TDS < 25000 # of Membranes 100 m3/day 6 200 m3/day 12 300 m3/day 18 400 m3/day 24 500 m3/day 30 1000 m3/day 60
Het veelzijdige Crown Berkey waterfilter systeem is ideaal voor middelgrote tot grote groepen, thuis, in kerken, ziekenhuizen, weeshuizen, bij activiteiten in de open lucht en tijdens onverwachte noodsituaties.
Het veelzijdige Imperial Berkey waterfilter systeem is ideaal voor grote gezinnen, kleine tot middelgrote groepen, thuis, in kerken, ziekenhuizen, weeshuizen, voor activiteiten buitenshuis en tijdens onverwachte noodsituaties.
Het Berkey Light waterzuivering systeem is ontworpen voor gebruik op reis, voor gelegenheden in de open lucht en voor onverwachte noodsituaties. Dit krachtige systeem zuivert zowel behandeld als onbehandeld water van bronnen zoals meren, beekjes, stilstaande vijvers en waterbronnen in derde wereldlanden, waar de regulering op zn best- beneden niveau geacht mag worden. Geschikt voor allerlei activiteiten buitenshuis en een must in onherbergzame gebieden zonder elektriciteit, waterdruk of schoon water.
Het veelzijdige Royal Berkey waterfilter systeem is ideaal voor grote gezinnen, thuis, op reis met een caravan, tijdens groepsactiviteiten of in onverwachte noodsituaties.
Het compacte Travel Berkey waterfilter systeem is het perfecte apparaat voor gebruik op reis, zoals kamperen, reizen met een caravan, of in onverwachte noodsituaties. De Travel Berkey is ook zeer geschikt voor een In-persoons huishouden.
Het veelzijdige Big Berkey waterfilter systeem is het ideale systeem voor 2-persoons huishoudens, kleine gezinnen, thuis of op reis, kamperend of op pad met de caravan. Voor veilig drinkwater bij iedere activiteit buitenshuis of in onverwachte noodsituaties
The first model of the new ROTOSEPTIC MINI series, is the evolution of the already innovative ROTOSEPTIC wastewater treatment systems. The main feature of the MINI series is the minimum space needed for its installation. The MINI 4 can meet the requirements of a 4-person home, achieving excellent processing efficiency in minimal space. It consists of 2 tanks, which due to the innovative design occupy only 1.5 square. The system can process up to 600 liters per 24 hours. It works with natural flow, like all ROTOSEPTIC systems, and the only mechanical part is the air pump located in a specially designed container. All parts of the system are easily accessible, since by opening the lid you have direct access to the inside of the MINI 4. The ROTOSEPTIC treatment system consists of: A) Sewage Reception Tank - primary sedimentation of suspended solid particles and anaerobic treatment. B) Aerobic treatment tank (bioreactor). C) Secondary sedimentation and recirculation of treated water. Features of ROTOSEPTIC MINI 4: Requires minimal space. In just 1.5 square you have a complete system. Seasonal or continuous use. The ROTOSEPTIC MINI4 can be installed in permanent or holiday homes. 3-stage processing. It is not just a septic tank, but a complete sewage treatment system. Suitable for 2 to 4 people. This system can meet the daily needs of a house of 4 people. Minimum operating costs. The ROTOSEPTIC MINI 4 requires minimal power consumption. The only mechanical part is a 60W air pump. Number of people: 2 to 4. Maximum volume of sewage: 600 liters / 24 hours. Dimensions: Diameter 1.3 m, height 1.8. Construction material: Linear polyethylene. The system consists of: 2 tanks connected and secured with stainless steel belts. 1 central lid Pump container with lid with valve for ventilation of the air pump 1 60W air pump 1 air diffuser 1 activated carbon filter to neutralize odors. 2 cones with locked lids (one in each tank) Waiting for entry 3 â??(with sticker) Exit waiting 3 â??(with sticker) The assembly of the system is done by ROTOSAL. The system is delivered ready for connection to the home network. The ROTOSEPTIC MINI 4 can be installed above ground, if the configuration of the space allows for a natural flow, otherwise the use of a pump is necessary. The ROTOSEPTIC MINI 4 can be installed above ground, if the configuration of the space allows for a natural flow, otherwise the use of a pump is necessary. In case burial of the system is required, the installer should protect the system from external pressures.
Used water treatment and recycling for stone processing enterprises. Fraccaroli, Omec, Saba, etc. And also the whole range of used equipment for the extraction and processing of granite, marble, stone. From mining and block cutting to any finished product (Italy).
Our company performs a full range of design, construction and reconstruction of water supply and water disposal facilities for municipal and industrial enterprises – from technical audit and a particular object efficiency evaluation to the construction of wastewater treatment plants “on turnkey basis”. The company’s staff is a dynamic team combining professional skills and international experience in wastewater treatment issues and it can implement integrated project solutions, guarantee the functional quality, maximize the customer’s benefits from design and construction processes and commission the object “on turnkey basis”. Specialists of our company have successfully developed and implemented a number of projects on municipal and industrial wastewater treatment, in particular on adjustment of wastewater quality to the regulatory requirements for the discharge into water bodies from : fruit and vegetable proccesing enterprises ,slaughterhouses, food oil and fat producers, chemical, iron and steel and many other enterprises. The company experience in solving problems of wastewater treatment, high scientific and engineering potential, using of advanced world technologies allow us provide to our customers the best possible solutions. Please don't hesitate ask best solution for your task to vk at konstante dot eu . Also we implement using modern and reliable technologies: - Water treatment plants(industrial and municipal); - Wastewater treatment plants (industrial and municipal); - RO Desalination plants (Cost-efficient and energy-efficient); - H2S removal solutions (unique compact and cost-efficient ); - Iron and manganese removal solutions; - Wastewater Disinfection plants for irrigation. Supplied in 40' containers
Reverse osmosis plants intended for decreasing of the water mineralization, removal of the organic pollution, viruses,bacteria and microorganisms and for producing water with prescribed parameters. Fields of application: Desalination of sea water for potable water production; Water pretreatment for steam generation; Water pretreatment prior using in semiconductor industry; Food, pharmaceutical and energy industries; Municipal wastewater treatment; Concentration processes in food industry. A unique feature of the our Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plants is the smallest possible specific cost of production of high quality potable water. Basic costs consist of the cost of electricity and the small expenses for well known available reagents. Our longlife ,robust and cost-efficient RO Desalination Plants have minimum possible specific electricity consumption - about 3.5kW*h/m3 of potable water. Desalination Plant works in a fully autonomous mode and requires a minimum maintenance personnel. Desalination Plants can be placed in a rapidly constructed buildings or supplied in container version for high mobility and quick launch. We provide all range of turnkey services : from technical audit and forming of technical specifications of the project to installation works and personnel training. Please don't hesitate ask best solution for your task to vk at konstante dot eu . Also we implement using modern and reliable technologies: - Water treatment plants(industrial and municipal); - Wastewater treatment plants (industrial and municipal); - RO Desalination plants (Cost-efficient and energy-efficient); - H2S removal solutions (unique compact and cost-efficient ); - Iron and manganese removal solutions; - Wastewater Disinfection plants for irrigation. Supplied in 40' containers
Natural mineral water bottling factory with a blow molding machine and all the necessary permissions is for sale. It has a total territory of 6000 square metres. Country of origin: Hungary Brand name: TRIÃ?SZ The mineral water bottling factory produces 1,5l water bottles with an hourly capacity of 2000 -2500 pieces. The fountain has a continuous flow rate of 125l per minute what can be extended. The blow molding machine itself has an hourly capacity of 3000 pieces.
Physical and chemical characteristics of the material: No., parameters , carbonaceous material. Ukraine 1., carbon mass fraction, % min., 99, 0 2., sulfur mass fraction, % max., 0, 05 3., moisture content, % max., 1 4., ashes content, % max., 0, 8 5., size, mm (+/-10% upper/lower size), 0, 2-3, 2