Siemens Espree 1.5T MRI 2009 8 Channel Software: NUMARIS/4 Software Version: Syngo MR B19 Cold Head Change:12/2019 Gradients: Espree Z engine 33/100 Coils: Flex Large, Flex Small, Foot Ankle, Wrist, Body Matrix, Head Matrix, Knee, Loop_4, Neck Matrix, Shoulder Array, Spine Matrix
SIEMENS AVANTO FIT Year of Manufacturing: 2017 Magnet Year & Model: 2017/OR105 No. of channels: 48 Cold Head year: 2017 Coils: Body 18: YOM 2024, Breast 18 Head, Flex Large & Small 4, FootAnkle 16,HandWrist 16, HeadNeck 20,Shoulder Large & Small 16, Spine 32, Body, TxRx Knee 15
Hitachi Aperto Open MRI 0.4T Year: 2006 SOFTWARE version: V5.0 R Coils: Head. Flex body M and L. Neck. Knee. Wrist. Shoulder. Joint S and M
Hitachi Aperto Open MRI 2006yr 0.4T SOFTWARE; V5.0 R version). Coils: Head. Flex body M and L. Neck. Knee. Wrist. Shoulder. Joint S and M It's working in the veterinary hospital now.
Hitachi AIRIS Open MRI Year: 2013 Coils: Joint Coil M, Knee Coil, Head Coil , Body L, Body M, Software version V3.0 C
Siemens Verio 3.0T MRI Year : 2008 32 Rx Channels: Gradients: VQ Gradients Software: NUMARIS Version: Syngo MR B19 Coils: Body, Head, Shoulder Large, ,Breast,Foot Ankle, Knee, Loop , Neck Matrix, Spine Matrix, 15Ch Knee
Philips MRI Achieva 1.5T YOM: 2011 Helium: Remaining by 75% now Coils: Head Coil, Body Coil, Sense Cardiac C coil, Sense Knee Coil, Sense NV Coil, Photos are available.
HITACHI Airis Mate Year: 2004 5 Coils: Head, Body, Extremity, Round L & Round M Deinstallation: Around End-July, 2024
Hitachi Airis Elite-0.3T, 2007 Software Version: V3.0D, Coils: QD Body, Joint-L, Joint-M, Knee, Head. Deinstallation-10th August 2024.
Philips Achieva 1.5T Yom: 2010 Release 2018-09-27 Coils Details: Sense Head Coil 1.5T/ 8 ch Sense NV Coil 1.5T/16 ch Sense XL Torso Sense Foot-Ankle Sense knee coil 1.5T/ 8 ch Spine Coil Phantom
GE Signa HDX 1.5T Pre-owned MRI System with Standard Accessories As is in Working Condition YOM: 2007
Pre-owned MRI System with Standard Accessories As is in Working Condition Year of Manufacture: 2002 8 Coils: Body (S), (M) & (L), Head, Neck, Joint, Stretchable Extremity and Quad Knee.
with Standard Accessories Model MR-RGP-4 MR-RF-03 Backed PC: MR-OP-150B Multi Tap REV.A: MR-OP150B SWITCH UNIT REV.A: MR-OP-150B Bed: MR-TB-14E Gantry: MR-WS-11D Filter Box: MR-FB-8C As is in Working Condition YOM: 2009 Software: V2.1 Coils: Body Coil (L), Body Coil(M), Head Coil, Knee Coil, Coil for joints(L), Coil for joints(M), Coil for joints(S)
Year: 2015 Software: NUMARIS/4 Version: Syngo MR D 14 9 Coils: 4Ch Flex Small, 2 X Body, Body Matrix, Fix Spine Matrix, Head Matrix, Neck Matrix, 4 Ch Flex Large, 4 Ch Flex Small,
Pre-owned MRI System with Standard Accessories As is in Working Condition Year : 2010 Software Version: V1.0 C/Option Software: DWI With 7 coils: Body(L)Body (M)Head, Knee, Joint(M), Joint(S), Shoulder
2004 Upgraded in 2015 Coils: Flexible Body Coil M , 2 Flexible Body Coil L, Knee , Wrist , 3 Joint Coil M, L. S. Head , Neck , Shoulder. Software version : V3.5A
Year: 2019 Software Version: 5.0 This system has Tube for life Guarantee by Philips Medical
Pre-owned MRI System with Standard Accessories Year of Manufacture: 2003 Software: VA40 Quantum Gradient Coils
Channels: 48 channels YOM: 2012 Coils: body: ( 1415) spine : 32 (1477) Head and neck :18 ( 1845) shoulder small: 20 ( 1479) Body:18 (2320) Shoulder Large : 16 (1383)
Yom: 2018 with 9 coils All pictures and videos are available