beluga caviar
in 50 gram containers
grade one(star grade)
the size of each pearl is 3mm
100 percent natural from the caspian sea
price will be 1700eu/kg not containing VAT
Fertilized eggs of sturgeon, possible constant supply of eggs and breeding technology and the production of black caviar, white.
Acipenser baerii Acipenser baerii (Siberian sturgeon) and its hybrids;
Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Russian sturgeon) and its hybrids;
Acipenser ruthenus Acipenser ruthenus (Sterlet) and its hybrids;
Acipenser nudiventris Acipenser nudiventris (Sevruga or Stellate sturgeon);
Bester Bester, hybrid species of the Beluga and Sterlet.
We are ready to provide professional services for the creation and further development of sturgeon fish farms 1. Methods of breeding sturgeon species. 2. Searching for natural conditions for the effective creation of sturgeon farms. 3. Types of sturgeon production. Fish and caviar standards for sale. Ways of fish processing. Receiving eggs, methods of salting, preserving and storing. 4. Transport of fertilized eggs, larvae, fry and other age groups of sturgeon. 5. Methods of incubation of the eggs of sturgeon fish. 6. Breeding of sturgeon fish larvae and fry at different stages. 7. Breeding of sturgeon species up to commodity dimensions. Preparation for sale. Basic standards. 8. Methods of sturgeon breeding. 9. Fish diseases, their prevention and treatment. 10. Creating a school of females for the production of fertilized eggs. 11. Application of hormones
12. Basic markets and prices of sturgeon products. 13. Propose scientific and methodical literature. 14. To participate in the implementation of the client's projects at any stage. Each client is unique to us, and therefore his project will be implemented on his individual terms, taking into account all wishes and existing conditions. We do not finance breeding projects and facilities, we only offer breeding material and technologies. We are ready to answer all your questions.
We are an import/export company based in that supplies premium products (please find our contact details at the bottom of this email). Currently, we offer both Imperial caviar from the and Almas caviar. All our caviar originates from a fresh water farm located in the size and colour of caviar is deeply variable and therefore it is not possible to quote exactly for either, however rough estimates for both can be stated as follows: the size is between 2.5-3.5mm and the colour varies from light black to pale silver/ pearl grey.