Manufactured by centrifugal method and 100% gmo free certified by imo(institute of marketoecology) 100% organic
Virgin coconut oil, extracted from farm fresh coconut meat without any heating and chemical process. It is rich in medium chain fatty acids, particularly lauric acid and is also rich in minerals, vitamins & antioxidants an excellent netraceutical. 50% lauric acids presence, a perentage similar to that of breast milk confirms the immunity strength. When lauric acid enters human body it gets converted to monolauria, which has the ability to enhance imunity
CocoNativo organic coconut oil contains up to 53% lauric acid.
Premium Quality, Raw, Vegan, Gluten & Lactose Free, Trans Fat Free, Unrefined, Undeodorized.
Our organic coconut oil is cold pressed and 100% natural.
Perfect for all types of cooking, both baking and frying.
Coconut oil is also recommended for external use as a skin and hair care product.
CocoNativo organic extra virgin coconut oil is a natural oil, without additives and for versatile use.
Coconut oil (or coconut butter) is an edible oil derived from the wick, meat, and milk of the coconut palm fruit.Coconut oil is a white solid fat below around 25 °C (77 °F), and a clear thin liquid oil in warmer climates.
Unrefined varieties have a distinct coconut aroma.It is used as a food oil, and in industrial applications for cosmetics and detergent production.
Due to its high levels of saturated fat, numerous health authorities recommend limiting its consumption as a food.
Coconut from Sri Lanka -
As one of the world's largest coconut exporters, the Sri Lankan coconut-based industry is diverse and multi-faceted. Sri Lanka is the world's fourth-largest supplier of coconut products. The position of Sri Lankan desiccated coconut in the global market is based on its unrivaled quality in components, rich flavor, and texture.
Natural Exotic Taste of Coconut - The kernel is the raw white meat found inside a coconut. It has a firm structure and a tasty, somewhat sweet flavor. Fresh coconuts are used to make our desiccated coconut, which has a rich flavor and aroma.
Superior Quality - Totally natural and has grown and processed in accordance with Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and standard regulatory criteria.