Distribution board, ²internal boards, external boards, flush mounted boards, piano board, rack cabinets
FEVER GATE Automatic access system with non-contact infrared thermometer and non-contact hand sanitizer. Fever gate is a unique new Hungarian development, with the help of which patients with fever and possibly Coronavirus can be screened. The access is operated by an integrated non-contact infrared thermometer, which automatically allows entry to the Fever Gate between a body temperature range of 32 C and 37.5 C, Above a body temperature of 37.5 C, it warns you with an audible signal and a red light and refuses entry. In this case, the gate cannot be opened, only with the help of the built-in card access system. Contents of the integrated Fever Gate system: -Access gate with card reader -Built-in infrared thermometer that can be operated completely contactless from a distance of 1-10 cm -Sensory, completely non-contact, 1300 ml automatic hand sanitizer dispenser
we are based in Hamburg (Germany) and looking for buyers of used and functional CPUs and PCBs. Our team is experienced and specialized in testing, sorting and securely packing of the products. Please check some pictures for your reference.
Class 1-A PCBs are old PCBs with galvanically gold-plated contacts / connector strips, very many small and densely placed chips, mostly from old mainframe computers / servers. The circuit boards must not be stripped, attachments such as metal sheets, frames and heat sinks are removed.