Scientific Name: Prunus Cerasus Family: Rosaceae
Scientific Name: Prunus Mahleb Synonyms: Cerasus Mahaleb (L.) Mill. Other Names in English: Perfumed Cherry, Rock Cherry
Scientific Name: Toddalia Asiatica (L.) Lam. Family: Rutaceae
Scientific Name: Lamium Album L. Synonyms: Lamium Capitatum Sm., Lamium Foliosum Crantz Other Names in English: Blind Nettle, Bee Nettle Family: Labiatae
Scientific Name: Teucrium Scordioider Schreb. Family: Labiatae
Scientific Name: Leptadenia pyrotechnica Family: Apocynaceae
Scientific Name: Lepidium Latifolium L. Other Names in English: Dittany, Green Mustard, Pepper Grass Family: Cruciferae
Scientific Name: Origanum Majorana L. Synonyms: Majorana Hortensis Moench, Origanum Majoranoides Willd Other Names in English: Knotted Marjoram Family: Labiatae
Scientific Name: Heracleum Persicum Desf. Other Names in English: Mountain Pride
Scientific Name: Polyporus Officinalis Fries. Other Names in English: Fungus Laricis, Agaric, and Fungus of the larch Family: Polyporaceae
Scientific Name: Melissa Officinalis L. Synonyms: Melissa Cordifolia Pers, Melissa Rommana Mill., Melissa Graveolens Host Family: Labiatae
Scientific Name: Ocimum Album L. Synonyms: Ocimum Basilicum Family: Labiatae Cultivation Mode: Wild Collection/ Cultivated
Coriander, Dill, Mint, Parsley flat and curly, Spinach chard, Fennel, Basil, Chard, Chives, Dandelion, Mustard, Oregano, peppermint, Rosemary, Rucula, Tarragon, Thyme, Watercress
We are exporters of medical herbs such as Mint (Mentha), Chamomile, Bidens, Urtica, ect. Partnership on regular basis is desired.
We are Polish company specialize in gathering and processing herbal raw materials since 1995 year. We use professional tools and machineries and have decent experience in herbal business. Annually, we deliver over 500 tons herbs to the market. We have also organic products with our offer (please find attachment in mail). Herba: Absinthii Anserinae Menthae piperita Taraxaci Ericae Spirea Solidaginis virg. Fagopyri Viola tricolor tot. Equisetum Thymus Oregano Majoranae Radix: Levistici Echinacea Taraxaci Symphytum Angelicae Lappa major Valerianae Dipsacus silvestris Folia: Ribis nigri Plantaginis tot Urticae Betulae Trifolium fibrinum Flos: Tiliae off. Sambuci mund Chamomillae romana Malva silvestris Erice vulgaris mund. Fructus: Ribis nigri tot Hippocastanum Sorbi Cortex: Hippocastanum Frangulae Betulae Salicis Quercus Another: Pinus silvestris Humulus lupulus
In Poland, he started his own season for chamomile. We offer straw from chamomile, chamomile ground, chamomile basket. We offer to another herb from Poland.
We have thyme leaf whole/ cut / powder in our warenhouse. If you have any questions, please dont hesitite to write to me.
We have in valerian root in our warenhouse. This product is the key product in our warenhouse / company. Our team prepares the goods for individual orders so if you can’t find the product you are looking for in the offer please feel free to ask. I personally will make sure that you've got all the assistance you need in all aspects, that is to say quality, Prices, customer service and delivery.
Lemon verbena Lemon balm Peppermint Spearmint Thyme Savory Complete processed to achieve a wider range of articles such as: Big leaves Smal leaves Tea bag cut
Flowers from Ukrainian Karpaty mountains - 250 kg available. Harvest 2022. It's a rare flower, collected in mountains on the high of 1300m and more. The product is not mixed with other varieties of arnica (confirmed by analysis). The product is Organic certified. You can order free samples to check the quality.