Heat exchangers.
Mud and water heat exchanger.
Tubular heat exchangers.
Brazed plate heat exchanger.
Heat exchanger.
Heat exhangers.
Shell and tube heat exchangers from carbon or stainless steel,, recuperators for making additional use of waste thermal energy,, cisterns,, robust THERMEX hot-water and steam boilers with overall annual efficiency rates of up to 95 %,, implementation of hot-water, hot-oil and steam boiler rooms,, hot-water and steam boilers by the following manufacturers TVT-TAM-STADLER, EMO Celje, Ðuro Ðakoviè, Weiss-Toplota, Kohlbach, Loos, Viessmann, Omnical, TPK.
Plate heat exchangers, brazed heat exchangers, shell and tube heat exchangers, boilers, accumulation tanks, plates, gaskets, expansions tanks, complete heat exchanger systems.
Plate Exchangers.
Plate heat exchanger.
Producer of shell&tube heat exchangers.
Plate Heat Exchanger.
Heating elements.
Shell & tube type heat exchangers, plated type heat exchangers.
Heat exchangers.
Heat Exchanger.
Ltd Spetspromenergo-1, Ukraine produce and sell heaters (heaters) water of all sizes and tiering. Heating medium - hot water warmed to 200 ° C and operating pressure up to 1.2 MPa.
Ltd Spetspromenergo-1, Ukraine produce and sell heaters (heaters) Steam, of all sizes, and tiering. Heating medium - steam of 200 ° C and an operating pressure of 1.2 MPa.
we are manufacturer of custom severe/heavy duty all stainless steel ,carbon ...etc biggest heat excahngers .