Polyvinyl Chloride, or PVC, is widely used for plastic construction materials thanks to being inexpensive and durable. As a building material, it is often used for pipes and fittings, flooring, window and door profiles and roof membranes.
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SIGMA Fiber Cement Board presents the art of Germany know-how as a high quality building material. It contains inorganic raw materials such as cement, silica powder and reinforced cellulose fiber as the main materials. All SIGMA boards are autoclaved to become stable product. SIGMA Fiber Cement Board does not contain any of asbestos fiber, however, it has strong bending strength like those with asbestos. SIGMA Fiber Cement Board can be applied not only for the interior use but also for the outdoor wall system. It has low water absorption rate and high impact resistant ability. These good advantages make it suitable for any purposes of applications.
Suntai-Fuji calcium silicate board is a light weight, high quality building material. It is developed and know-how authorized from Japan and produced in Taisyou. This product contains inorganic raw materials and reinforced cellulose fiber as the main materials. Some materials are from the recycling powder or power plant waste powder, therefore, it is Green-Label product. Due to the high temperature and pressure autoclaved process, it is very durable and stable. Suntai-Fuji does not contain any of asbestos fiber, it provides the safety needs for consumers. Most of the applications of Suntai-Fuji calcium silicate board were on the dry-wall partition, this type of partitioning system has only 20% of total weight compared to traditional RC wall. Some applications were used to protect the steel column beam in the SRC buildings.