Size 600 x 600mm, Material Porcelain Tiles, porcelain Usage Interior Tiles, floor tile Function Acid-Resistant, Antibacterial, Firebrick, Heat Insulation, Non-Slip, Wear-Resistant Surface Treatment Polished Tiles Surface finish Polished glazed tile Color Family WHITES Tile Type ACCENTS, Borders, Floor Tiles, Wall Tiles Water Absorption
Using brand new PVC power, quality guaranteed.
We design and make various industry defoamers, have good defoamers for concrete admixtures, water reducer.
Description: BOT is a one part, pre-blended, (coloured) mineral dry shake hardener for concrete comprising of cement, specially selected quartz mineral aggregates and admixtures BOT is one of the most effective ways to protect the surface and extend the life of the floor BOT may only be used by experienced professionals. BOT provides a hard wearing, mineral dry shake topping for monolithic floors. When sprinkled and trowelled into fresh wet concrete floors, it forms a wear resistant smooth surface. Typical uses are in warehouses, factories, shopping malls, public areas, where wear durable and wear resistant floor is the key requirement. Applications: - Airplane hangars - Electronic assembly plants - Manufacturing plants - Warehouses and distribution centers - Shipping and receiving areas - Maintenance facilities - Commercial and industrial floors subject to deicing salts - Where light-reflective flooring is desired - Floors subject to heavy or frequent traffic - Salt-storage facilities - Multi-purpose sporting facilities - Recreational facilities Converage: - Moderate duty 7-9 kg/m2 - Heavy duty 9-12 kg/m2 - Concentrated traffic 12-15 kg/m2 - Extra heavy duty +15 kg/m2 Advantages: - Prevents concrete damage due to abrasion, impact, punching, and scraping - Decline cost of maintenance during the life span of the floor. - Enhances the appearance of floor surface. - It adds texture and slip resistance - It is able to increase the value of an industrial building and improve building sale-ability - Dry shake is an economical way to add color which is not fade with time - It can help the floor to reflect more light, reducing lighting and energy requirements. Extended floor life Packaging: 25kgs barrel Colour: Grey and Green Shelf Life: 9 months
Description CPROTECT is a premixed metal silicat solution and is a ready to use surface curing compound. CPROTEC will create a microcrystalline film to fill the hole, prevents quick loss of water from the concrete, thereby helping the hydration of concrete to take place completely Application Use for newly poured concrete construction such as: - Foundation, Floors, workshop floor - Concrete roads and bridges - Airport and field concrete - Concrete applications where there is plenty of air flow and evaporation and where there is less moisture Technical information - More effective than exhausting curing methods such as sack or canvas laying or water wetting - Prevents shrinkage crack resulting from fast drying while concrete surface is cured - Water base, safely used in closed environments Application steps - Spray onto the concrete surface to be treated. Spray 2 coats. Each spray is 20-30 minutes apart Important note: - For optimum system performance, CPROTEC spraying must be carried out as soon as the concrete begin to face Storage conditions Product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging in dry conditions Colour: Clear Shelflife: 12 months from days of production Consumtion - 2kg Liquid approximately 4 m2 / for 2 layer - 6kg Liquid approximately 12 m2 / for 2 layer - 30kg Liquid approximately 60 m2 / for 2 layer
Description VGROUT6 is a non-shrink, pourable cementitious grouting mortar with extended working time to suit local ambient temperatures. - Excellent flowability - Good dimensional stability - High strengths, adjustable consistency Product name: VGROUT6 Compressive strength: M60 (N/mm2) / 60 Mpa / 8700 psi Mixing ratio: - 25kgs powder: 4,0L water - 5kgs powder: 0,8L water ADVANTAGES - Easy to mix and apply - Flowable consistency (according to mix) - Rapid strength development - Non-corrosive - Non-toxic - Iron and chloride free - Shrinkage-compensated - Good pumping properties Application - Where exceptional one day and ultimate compressive strengths are required. - Applications requiring a pumpable grout. - Non-shrink grouting of machinery and equipment, base plates sole plates, precast panels, beams, columns and curtain walls. - Grouting of railing posts, foundations, windmills, compressors, etc. - For grouting rebar, bolts, dowels and pins, etc - Applications where a non-shrink grout is needed for maximum effective bearing area to transfer optimum load. Color: Gray powder Mixing: Add clean water to suitable mixing bucket. Mix slowly and continuously to form a homogeneous mixture - VGROUT6 25kg barrel required approximately 4.0 litres of clean water - VGROUT6 5kg barrel required approximately 0.8 litres of clean water The mixed materials is immediately ready to use and should be used within 30-60 minutes after mixing.
Description: Fairing Coat Mortar: is one component, polymer modified, cementitous mortar based containing silica fume. Product name: Fairing Coat Mortar Compressive Strength: â?¥ 20 Mpa (1 day) â?¥ 50 Mpa (28 days) Mixing ratio: - Approx. 5.5 L of clean water per 25 kgs barrel - Approx. 1.1 L of clean water per 5 kgs barrel Layer Thickness: Max. 5mm Pot Life ~ 30 min. (at 27�ºC / 65% r.h) Usage: Fairing Coat Motar: is used as repair mortar for minor surface defects on: - Concrete - Mortar - Stone Fairing Coat Mortar: is a cosmetic mortar designed to eliminate surface defects due to demoulding, pores or honeycombs, and is suitable forsmall repairs on: - Precast concrete elements - Fair-face concrete - Columns and beams - As levelling mortar and fairing coat or finishing skim coat to concrete, mortar patches and screeds. Advantages: - Ready to use requiring only the addition of water - Excellent workability - Rapid strength development - Good mechanical strength - Good adhesion to substrate - No corrosive effect on reinforcement steel - Non-toxic Packaging: Barrel 5kgs and Barrel 25kgs Colour: Powder / Grey Shelf life: 9 months if stored properly in unopened, original packaging. Storage conditions: Dry, cool, shaded place Mixing ratio: Water : (Fairing Coat Mortar) powder = 1:4.0 (parts by weight) Approx. 5.5 L of clean water per 25kgs barrel. Approx. 1.1 L of clean water per 5kgs barrel. Layer Thickness: Max. 5mm Pot Life: ~ 30 min. (at 27�ºC / 65% r.h) Fairing Coat Mortar: should be mechaically mixed in a clean container using a low-speed electric mixer (max. 500 rpm). A minimum mixing time of 3 minutes is recommended to throughly blends the components. Fairing Coat Mortar: can be applied by spatula or trowel. Work the mixed mortar well into the substrate. Force material against the edge of the repair, working towards the center. Curing treatment: To achieve the full potential of any cement based material, curing is essential. In warm or windy weather, the use of standard curing methods are necessary (use of polyethylene sheets or damp hessian) to prevent premature drying out of mortar. Cleaning of tools: Remove non-hardened Products from tools and requipment with water. Hardened material can only be remove mechanically.
Description: VFLOOR1 is a single component Cementitious Self Leveling Mortar. Once cured, it provides a smooth, level surface on which to install a variety of floor coverings. Suitable for prepairing interior floors prior to laying parquet, vinyl sheet and tile, soft floor covering, natural stone, ceramic tiles, etcâ?¦ It can be used on a wide range of absorbent and non-absorbent floor surfaces including concrete, cement and sand screeds, terrazzo, asphalt, ceramic & quarry tiles. Layer-thickness 2-10mm Can be pumped Standard primers give excellent bonding to the VFLOOR1 products Product name VFLOOR1 Compressive strength >40 Mpa, 28 days later Flexural strength >8 Mpa, 28 days later Application temperature 5-30 degree Mixing ratio 20kgs powder + 5.2kgs Liquid Product name PRIMER Mixing ratio 2kgs Primer + 2L water + 4kgs cement Feature & Benefits: - Single component, just mix with water - Good adhesion to primed substrates - Good flow, self smoothing - Rapid setting and early strength - Easy and quick to lay Mixing: Add clean water to suitable mixing bucket. Mix slowly and continuously to form a homogeneous mixture. - VFLOOR1 20kgs barrel required approximately 5.2 litres of clean water The mixed materials is immediately ready to use and should be used within 30-40 minutes after mixing. Ready for foot traffic after approx. 3 hours. Drying time: Prevent draughts across the floor to avoid localized premature drying At ambient temperature, VFLOOR1 will appear to be dry after approximately 24 hours. Floor laying may commence after 48 hours. Coverage: - At an application thickness of 2mm the coverage will be approx. 5kgs per 1m2 Shelf Life: 9 months.
Sprayed concrete is a fast hardening material for stabilization and support of structures and for concrete applications without using any moulds. Sprayed concrete is an interaction of man, machine and concrete. Man, personified in the work of the nozzleman, requires technical skills and dedication to the job. The operator must be able to rely fully on the machine and the sprayed concrete material. It is the interaction and quality of these components that finally determines the success of the sprayed concrete application Sprayed Concrete has many advantages Application to any elevations because sprayed concrete adheres immediately and bears its own weight Can be applied on uneven substrates Good adhesion to the substrate Totally flexible configuration of the layer thickness on site Concreting without formwork Reinforced sprayed concrete is also possible (mesh/fiber reinforcement) Rapid load-bearing skin can be achieved without forms or long waiting times. Sprayed Concrete Applications: - Excavation stabilization in tunnneling and mining construction - Slope and trenching stabilization - Protective lining - Concrete repair (concrete replacement and strengthening) - Special lightweight load-bearing structures - Restoration of historic buildings (stone structures) - Sealing works - Construction of swimming pools User Notes: The technical details and recommendations contained in this data sheet are given in good faith and represent the best of our knowledge and experience at time of priting. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the products are used in accordance with Sprayed Concrete Products instruction. Consumption: 6 kgs Additives /100 kgs cement Shelf Life: Storage in dry conditions, raised above floor level and temperature range of between 5�ºC and 30�ºC. The usable shelf life shall be approximately 9 months. Safety Data: As with all chemical products, care should be taken during use and storage to avoid contact with eyes, mouth, skin and foodstuff Packaging: 25kg/barrel
DESCRIPTION: Stop Leak is a liquid admixture when mixed with portland cement becomes an extremely rapid setting plastic material used to stop pressure leaks in concrete and masonry structures. USES: Stop Leak can be used to stop water leaks in dams, foundation walls, manholes, pipelines, underground structures, swimming pools, foundtains, tunnels, basement walls and floors. ADVANTAGES: Will stop water under pressure. ECONOMICAL: Sets within 60 to 90 seconds, generates minimal heat when setting Becomes extremely plastic when combined with portland cement Stop Leak liquid must be stored at temperatures above freezing. MIXING RATIO: 1Kg Stop Leak : 2,8 kgs cement (2,2 pounds Stop Leak : 6,17 pounds cement) LIMITATIONS: Judgment must be used to mix Stop Leak in small quantities due tu the extremely rapid set. After the portland cement is added to the liquid Stop Leak, the mixed compound will set in approximately 60 seconds. This action allows the material to bond mechanically and chemically to saturated surfaces. A delay in setting, if required, can be attained by adding fine sand to the neat cement mixture or by reducing the amount of cement added to the liquid. Safe - Odorless, non-toxic, does not affect the health of users and the environment - Should wear gloves and necessary protective equipment when using - If splashed into eyes, use clean water or eye drops to wash several times Storage conditions Product must be stored in original unopened and undamaged sealed packging in dry conditions. Colour: Clear liquid Shelf life 12 months from the production date Packaging - Stop Leak 0,5Kg (1,1Pounds) - Stop Leak 2,5Kg (5,51Pounds) - Stop Leak 6,5Kg (14,3Pounds)
Compose A Joint Usg Boral - Ready Mix Joint Compound All Purpose Joint Compound Is Usually Sold Pre-mixed. This Product Is Used For Almost Every Drywall Installation And Repair. Joint Compound Is Used To Finish Drywall Joints And Corners. It Provides Faster And Superior Performance In Joint Closure. It Is Also Useful For Repairing Cracks And Holes In Existing Plasterboard And Plaster Surfaces. You Can Save Time By Using Joint Compound Cause It Does Not Need To Any Extra Process. It Is Ready To Use. It Takes 6 To 12 Hours To Dry, Depending On The Humidity And Temperature. Turkey Is One Of The World's Leading Country In The Gypsum Resources And Production Of Gypsum. As Board And Wall Company; We Export Highest Quality Of Gypsum Powder And Joint Compound All Around The World. Megaturk Co. Ltd, Istanbul - Turkey
DESCRPTION: CMI Latex Admix 350 is a ready to use, water-based emulsion polymer specially formulated for use with CMIâ??s range of cement-based tile adhesive and cement sand screed or render. It is suitable for internal general area only. Mortar modified with CMI Latex Admix 350 will have better physical and chemical properties. USES: #As an additive to improve flexibility and bonding strength of cement-based tile adhesive. #As an additive to improve mechanical and bonding characteristics of cement mixes for screeds, renders, etc.
Selling Fiber Cement Boards Brand Everest World Wide and in UAE
MikaZone Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) is a non-ionic cellulose ether made from natural polymer material cellulose through a series of etherification. It is a white powder that swells in cold water into a clear or slightly turbid colloidal solution. It has the characteristics of thickening, dispersion, emulsification, film formation, suspension, adsorption, surface activity, moisture retention and protective colloid.
This type of product has a higher water reduction rate, which is higher than JS-103, and has ultra-high slump protection performance. It is especially suitable for the environment with poor materials or summer with high temperature. Compared with the polycarboxylic acid mother liquor on the market, it can reduce the consumption of slump protection mother liquor by 20%-40%.It is mainly used in high-strength concrete with high requirements, and its products are mainly used in high-speed railway and high-speed railway Road, hydropower and other large engineering projects pumped concrete, super fluid self-compacting, high strength and high performance concrete and commercial concrete. Product Feature 1.It has a higher water reduction rate and a higher slump protection performance, especially for the concrete with great loss in time. 2.High water reduction rate and low dispersion velocity. 3.The comprehensive cost performance is high, especially suitable for summer, high temperature environment.
Facade with a clean design, but a relatively more expensive performance due to the specific requirements for the sealing gasket and weather conditions during installation Possibility for glazing up to 64mm Extremely good thermal performance uw> = 0.6 w / m2k
A new generation of facades corresponding to different types of construction and architectural solutions Possibility of glazing up to 56mm Extremely good thermal performance uw> = 0.6 w / m2k Very good waterproofing and noise insulation characteristics
SourcEEZ is a multi product Indian sourcing agency which handles END TO END sourcing operations. Right from vendor analysis and selection, to overseeing the course of production, and to finally warranting a smooth sail for your products, we ascertain that you have a stress-free grip on the procurement process as a whole.
Dubond's Dupoxy is a stage of Grouting material of highest quality that provides asethetic effect and durability. It perfectly prevents stains,spillage,chemical attack in filled groove thicknesses of tiles,stones. Dupoxy is thixotropic two part epoxy based formulation having excellent resistance to wear and European choice special sheen affect which makes it a darling choice of consutant fraternity. Part A consists of mixture of epoxy resin,siliceous aggregates and additives. Part B consists of mixture of organic catalysts. The advantage of two part epoxy grout system of Dupoxy is its high user friendliness that is i.e.the filling of this GEL filler in the grout is easier than all the distantly following equivalent products. It has a matt finish with an ingredient that provides crystalline sheen affect with ease of clean ability. It is suited for residential and commercial installations 1ncluding those with total hygiene control, damp and wet environments.
Dubond's Dufill is a single part high degree of hardness, calibrated and smooth finish that is suitable for high resistance grouting from 1 mm to 12 mm on all horizontal and vertical surfaces with complete range of tiles and stone. It is thixotropic has a wide range of colors and finishes. The heavy research by engineers for innovations via market feed back has made DU Fill an architect's choice and user'spride. DU Fill range of colours are developed to match all moods of colours, band including classic indian, victorian, contemporary.