Cloves are the immature unopened flower buds of a tropical tree. When fresh, they are pink, when dried they turn to a rust-brown color which is a sign of essential oil in it. They resemble small nails, with a tapered stem (Clove translates to nail in Spanish). The large end of the clove is the four-pointed flower bud.
Clove essential oil has received considerable interest due to its wide application in the perfume, cosmetic, health, medical, flavoring, and food industries.
Ceylon Clove from Sri Lanka. Prized for its distinct flavour and aroma, and also for its medicinal qualities, cloves are the immature buds of the evergreen tree Syzygium aromaticum , also known as Eugenia caryophyllus of the Myrtaceae family.
Cloves are used in the cuisine of Asian, African, Mediterranean, and the Near and Middle East countries, lending flavor to meats (such as baked ham), curries, and marinades, as well as fruit (such as apples, pears, and rhubarb). Cloves may be used to give aromatic and flavor qualities to hot beverages, often combined with other ingredients such as lemon and sugar.
Quality- Clean
Variety- Well Dried & Clean
Harvest- Fresh 2016
Color- Reddish Brown
Origin- Madagascar
Moisture- <11%
Stems- 2-4%
Baby Cloves- 2%
Headless Cloves- 2% Max
Odd Matters- 0%
Metallic Content- Nil
Packaging- 50kg Jute Bags / 25kg Carton Boxes
Smell- Spicy Strong Odor & Special Clove Odor / Without Any Damped Smell
Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) is one of the most valuable spices that has been used for centuries as food preservative and for many medicinal purposes. Clove is native of Indonesia but nowadays is cultured in several parts of the world
Clove stems are utilized to make clove cigarettes, essential oil and medicine.
- Moisture: 12% or as required
-Packaging: - Polypropylene Bag @ 25kg
- Jute Bag @ 25kg
Selected whole dry cloves are harvested from Maluku (Mollucas) islands in Indonesia.
Our products comply to SNI (National Standard of Indonesia) and Coxed.
Nth level Exporters LLP (Limited Liabilities Partnership) is one of the Company exporters CLOVE in India. It is a valuable spice of the orient. Its clusters are plucked by hand when the buds are fully developed with a pronounced pink flush and then dried over several days in the sun. Unopened flower buds, leaves, and stalks yield the essential oil.
Our Spices are procured from reliable vendors who process them under suitable climatic conditions in order to assure the beat quality and longer shelf life. The Cloves that we offer are used to add a royal flavor to food and have various health benefits. We can deliver Cloves in different quantities within the stipulated time frame.
Moisture 10% max
Size homogeneous cg3
Color ; Brown
Stems : 2% - 3%max
Baby cloves : 3% max
Cloves are the unopened pink flower buds of the clove tree (Syzygium aromaticum). Cloves used to be endemic to the Maluku Islands, in Indonesia, but have been grown in other tropical areas.
Clove stems possess a similar flavor and aroma as cloves themselves. Clove stem oil is widely used in the soap, candle, oral care and perfume manufacturing industries the world over.
Cloves are one of the highly prized spices, widely recognized all over the world for their medicinal and culinary qualities. They are the flower buds from evergreen rain-forest tree native to Indonesia.
Botanically, the spice belongs to the family of Myrtaceae of the genus; Sygyzium, and scientifically named as Sygizium aromaticum.
The flower buds are initially pale in color, gradually turn to green, and, finally develop into bright-red clove buds by the time of harvesting. Buds are generally picked up when they reach 1.5-2 cm in length.
Structurally, each bud consists of long calyx; terminating in four spreading sepals, and four unopened petals, which form a small ball (dome) at the center. The sweet aroma of cloves is due to eugenol, an essential oil in them.
Cloves are the aromatic dried flower buds often used in Asian, African, and Middle Eastern cooking in adding flavor to meats, curries, and meat marinades