Glyphosate 95%,97% Tech; Glyphosate is a non-selective systemic herbicide, absorbed through the leaves, injected into the bole, or applied to the stump of a tree, used to kill weeds, especially perennials and broadcast or used in the cut-stump treatment as a forestry herbicide. Some crops have been genetically engineered to be resistant to it.
Atrazine 97% Tech. Atrazine is a selective systemic triazine herbicide which can be used both pre and post-emergence for the control of grass and broadleaf weeds in crops. It is mainly absorbed through the plant roots, but can enter through the foliage, and accumulates in the apical meristems and leaves.
PMIDA 98% Tech. Mostly be used as the intermediate to produce the efficiently, harmfulness herbicide (glyphosate). And glyphosate can be used to kill all kinds of weed in glebe.
1 Common name: Paraquat
2 Chemical name: 1, 1-dimethy-4, 4-bipyridinium
3 Molecular formula: C12H14N2Cl2
5 Molecular weight: 257. 2
6 Application:
Paraquat is a kind of non-selection contact herbicide, It is broadly used to control broad-kabed weeds and grasses in rubber yield sugar cane, fruit orchards, tea, forestry, cropland, non-cropland and free-plough land etc, also used for few-plough weeds control in the rotation of rice, wheat or rape etc.
7 Productivity: 7000 MT(42% TECH)
8 Formulation: 42% TECH, 45% TECH, 20%SL
9 Packing: 200kgs/plastic drum for tech.
10 Honor of the paraquat:
(1)we gained the Science & Technology Invention Award;
(2)the project of National Key Technologies R&D Program
(3)we gained National New Products.
(4)The technology of almost all the companies who product paraquat in China is transferred by our research team.
Glyfosinate is a herbicide which inhabits the activity of an enzyme-glufosinate synthetase. The action speed is more rapid than glyfosate.
It is a broad-spectrum contact herbicide and is used to control a wide range of weeds in the crops of the orchard, the prepared land etc.
Glyfosinate is also used to desiccate crops before harvest.
Systemic selective herbicide for post emergence and annual broad-leaved weed control. Use on wheat, barley, corn, grape, fruit.Also be used in pasture land, forest, grassland.
Nicosulfuron is a broad spectrum herbicide and a systemic selective herbicide that controls a wide range of maize weeds, both annual weeds and perennial weeds.
Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed by the foliage and roots, with rapid translocation in xylem and phloem to the meristematic tissues.
Glufosinate-ammonium is a non-selective foliar application of organic phosphorus herbicide, control of a wide range of annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds and grasses in fruit orchards, vineyards, rubber and oil palm plantations, ornamental trees and bushes, non-crop land, and pre-emergence in vegetables. Also used as a desiccant in potatoes, sunflowers, etc. For control of annual and perennial weeds and grasses in glufosinate-tolerant crops (oilseed rape, maize, soya beans, sugar beet) developed through gene technology.
Diquat is a broad-spectrum, quick-acting, non-selective contact herbicide.Be absorbed by green plant tissue quickly, it will be easy to loss efficiency after contacting the soil.It is used for vegetables,orchard, sugarcane, peanuts, potatoes, and tree plantation areas; postemergence around fruit crops, trees, vines, grains. And as a ripener and defoliant for soybean, cotton before harvesting.
Diquat is used as pre-harvest desiccation of cotton, flax, alfalfa, clover, lupins, oilseed rape, poppies, soya beans, peas, beans, sunflowers, cereals, maize, rice, sugar beet, and other seed crops; destruction of potato haulms; and stripping of hops. Control of annual broad-leaved weeds in vines, pome fruit, stone fruit, bush fruit, strawberries (also control of runners), citrus fruit, olives, hops, vegetables, ornamental plants and shrubs, and other crops. Control of emergent and submerged aquatic weeds. Weed control on non-crop land. Weed control and tassel inhibition in sugar cane. Application rates 400-1000 g/ha.
A selective post-emergence herbicide used to control annual broad-leaved weeds and yellow nutsedge in crops such as beans, maize, mint, soybeans, rice, cotton, potatoes, sugarcane and peanuts.
A contact herbicide controlling Anthemis, Chamomilla and Matricaria spp., Chrysanthemum segetum, Galium aparine, Lapsana communis and Stellaria media in winter and spring cereals. Other crops include peanuts, maize, peas, Phaseolus beans, rice (Cyperus difformis, C. esculentus, C. serotinus, Monochoria vaginalis, Sagittaria pygmaea, S. sagittifolia, Alisma and Commelina spp., Scirpus maritimus and S. mucronatus) and soya beans (Abutilon theophrasti, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Cyperus esculentus, Datura stramonium, Helianthus spp., Polygonum spp., Portulaca spp., Sida spinosa, Ambrosia spp., Sinapis arvensis and Xanthium spp.).
Clodinafop-propargyl is a new organic heterocylic ring is suitable for cotton, bean, grape, peanut, potato, beet and can control of echinochloa crusgalli, avena fatua, alopecurus aequalis sobol, digitaria adscendens, glauce, eleusine indica, reed etc.
Post-emergence, systemic grass herbicide.
Used for post-emergence control of annual grasses, including Avena, Lolium, Setaria, Phalaris and Alopecurus, in cereals.