Certificate Of Analysis Product Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA) Min 96% For medical. Geographic ong1n Brazil
Certificate Of Analysis Product Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA) Min 96% For medical. Geographic ong1n Brazil Date: 24/03/2022 Production date: 02/2022 Expiry date: 02/2024 Shelf lire: 24 months Bat.ch number l2114C12CP Parameters Specs Umll Result Density at 2014C, g/mL 0,8085 (Maximum) 0,8053 96.2 10 7,85 4.00 43 Not detected Not detected 6,01 Not detected Nol detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Nol detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Nol detected Clear and free rrom suspended solids Colorless Free from Charactenstic Strength, 0GL (v/v) 96,1 (Mlnfmum) Acidity, mg/L (as aceltc acid) 10 {Maximum) pH 6,0-8,0 Conductivity, µS/m 50 (Maxfmum) Permanganate Test. min 15C 30 {Minimum) AJdehydes, mg/l 5 (Maximum) Acetone, mg(L 2 (Maximum) Methanol. mg/L 10 (MaXJmum) Ethyl acetate, mg/L 5 (Maximum) Acetal, mg/l 10 (Maximum) Crotonaldehyde, mgfl 1 {Maxlmum) Higher alcohols (total), mg/L 5 (Maximum) N-propanol, mg/l 10 (Maxrmum) 1-Butanol, mg/l Net Specified N.Sutanol, mg/l 10(Maximum) 1-Amyllc. mg/L Not Specified Absorbance, 220 nm 0,30 (Maximum) Absorbance, 230 nm 0.20 (Maximum) Aspect Clear and free from suspended Color sollds Color1ess Odor Free from Characteristic