Description Product name Fish Minimum quantity about 21 kg Product type Overlaid Country of origin Argentina The amount of product glaze 0 * The information in the table is for general purposes only. Please contact our sales team for more details. Merluccius hubbsi is a large and very predatory fish. Its body is elongated, covered with small scales. The muzzle is long, flattened from above. The mouth is wide, there are many sharp teeth in the jaws. They grow a little longer than a meter and can weigh about 15 kg. Pike belongs to the category of lean fish. The fish contains only 2-3% fat, about 84 kcal per 100 g, making it suitable for diet food. Pike can be prepared in many different ways â?? stewed, fried in a pan or in the oven. Very tasty pike baked in foil with vegetables and mozzarella cheese. This fish is best served with loose cooked rice. A pike is very often used to make fish fingers or crab sticks. It can even serve as a medicine â?? if you suffer from scabies, boil pike and put a piece of cotton soaked in its decoction on the painful area several times a day.