The peristaltic pump is the first choice for abrasive, corrosive or aggressive environments. The pumping process is triggered by an elastomeric hose, pressed by tree rotating rollers against the pump housing. Once the rollers have passed by, the hose immediately retuns to its original shape and creates a vacuum at the pump inlet. Atmospheric pressure causes the medium to flow in. The feed rate is proportional to the pump speed. Key features of the peristaltic pumps are their simple operation and compact design. They are self-priming and operate without seals and valves. SPECIFICATIONS: Step motor CPU controlled engine management Roller bearings Three-rollers-head Norprene tubing Tygon Flow: min 0,6L/h - max 6L/h Motor12V Box: stainless steel Box size: 90mm/ 112mm/ 107mm H/W/L