Apples has planted in Azerbaijan. We have many different kind of apples, more than 10 kind of apples. We can send catalog and more details. You are welcome to visit and view the products for yourself if needed.
Apples accustomed to the culture of Azerbaijan that every autumn Guba region celebrates an Apple Festival that attract many foreign tourists. Not only the trees, but the town also turns red and gold, as everything is painted in apple hues. The queen of all apples in Azerbaijan is undoubtedly â??Gizilahmadiâ?�. If you ask the Azerbaijanis to call their favorite apple, the first thing that will come to their minds would be, for sure, Gizilahmadi.
Apple: GOST 656-79 Ingredients: natural apple juice, clarified. Nutritional value per 100g: carbohydrates - 9.1g, vitamins: PP-0.1mg, C-20mg, B1-0.01mg. Calorie-38 kcal. Storage: temperature 0-25 C, relative humidity no more than 75%. Avoid direct sunlight. 0.2% natural precipitation is allowed. 11 Bx Sterilized. Shelf life: 2 years after date of issue.