To this day, petroleum acids are still being studied by a number of researchers. Interest in the above class of organic compounds is not only attributed to practical perspective, but also to general humanitarian purposes. According to S. Nametkin, "... composition and structure of petroleum acids are closely related not only to the genesis of oil, but to the origin of life on Earth as well".
Depending on their origin, oils may contain different amounts of naphthenic acids, extremely insignificant in all cases. Naphthenic acids are extracted from oils using alkali alcoholic solutions. Structure of naphthenic acids in any oil is the same and depends on the nature of oil.
Among the oil produced worldwide, and particularly in the CIS region, Azerbaijan's oil features the highest content of petroleum acids. Oils of Bibi-Heybat, Romani, Binagadi, Balakhani, Sabunchi and other fields are rich in petroleum acids, which content in some crude oil grades reaches 1.5 – 2%. Due to the fact that acids extracted from naphthene-base crude of Baku oil fields have the same composition and physical-chemical properties as synthetic naphthenic acids, they are often referred to as natural naphthenic acids.
o this day, petroleum acids are still being studied by a number of researchers. Interest in the above class of organic compounds is not only attributed to practical perspective, but also to general humanitarian purposes. According to S. Nametkin, "... composition and structure of petroleum acids are closely related not only to the genesis of oil, but to the origin of life on Earth as well".
Depending on their origin, oils may contain different amounts of naphthenic acids, extremely insignificant in all cases. Naphthenic acids are extracted from oils using alkali alcoholic solutions. Structure of naphthenic acids in any oil is the same and depends on the nature of oil.
Among the oil produced worldwide, and particularly in the CIS region, Azerbaijan's oil features the highest content of petroleum acids. Oils of Bibi-Heybat, Romani, Binagadi, Balakhani, Sabunchi and other fields are rich in petroleum acids, which content in some crude oil grades reaches 1.5 – 2%. Due to the fact that acids extracted from naphthene-base crude of Baku oil fields have the same composition and physical-chemical properties as synthetic naphthenic acids, they are often referred to as natural naphthenic acids.
Naphthenic acids and their derivatives are widely used in more than 40 sectors of national economy.
Naphthenic acids in a form of lead, manganese, zinc, ferrum, aluminium, chrome salts and in a form of other derivatives, are used in preparation of paint driers, varnishes, paints.
Free naphthenic acids are used as a part of inks and improves their mobility. These acids are also used as thinner for aniline colorants, sleeper impregnation material preserving wood from rotting.
Both free and derivative naphthenic acids have effective fungicidal, insecticidal, bactericidal and preservative parameters which are used in weed and pest control, for impregnation of wood, sail fabric, canvas, rope, tarpaulin, fishing gear and other materials regularly affected by moisture, bacteria, pest, etc. Lead, chrome, cobalt and manganese salts of naphthenic acids are used as antistatic, antideteriorant and antifoam additives for fuel, jet engine fuels and oils. Lubricating and emulsifying materials used for cooling of shearing machines, pasting, lubrication grease for high-pressure plants, demulsifiers brea-king petroleum and oily emulsions are based on naphthenic acids.
Simple and compound ethers of naphthenic acids are used as plasticizers for production of polymeric materials, general rubber goods, polyvinylchloride plastic, hydraulic liquids, etc.
Naphthenic acids are successfully used even at cleaning of rareearth elements, extragens of radioactive materials, catalysts, oxidation and oxonation processes, agricultural growthregulating substances, drying accelerators for glassreinforced polyesters, etc.
In order to meet consumer needs for naphthenic acids, “KARVAN-L” company has developed technology and established commercial installations for output of high-purity acids.
We offer you a unique organic plant food Power that has no analogues in the world. The quality is high and the prices are 2 times lower than the world market. Power- our product contains natural amino acids and amino acid esters, retains plant natural taste and aroma. Power is 100% organic.
We don't use chemicals or sintetic substances. It does not contain chemical additives.
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Ä°nstant dry yeast
which is produced using the latest European technology and the knowledge and expertise of domestic experts. Some of the particulars, methods and consumption amounts of the product include:
Technical Specifications of Yeast
Dry Substance Amount: 94.5 to 96.5 percents
Acidity Amount (PH): 5 +/- 2
Carbohydrate: 35 to 40 percents based on the weight of the dry substance
Protein: 45 to 50 percents based on the weight of the dry substance
Phosphorus: 2.0 to 2.5 percents based on the weight of the dry substance
Ash: 6 +/- 2 based on the weight of the dry substance
Karvan-L company has developed new method and technology for production of semifinished pentaerythritol-modified phthalic and glyptic lacquer modified by petroleum acids and vegetable oils. Priming, varnishes, enamels and paints are manufactured on their basis.
Materials were tested as per special assessment methodology of timber, metal coating protection ability, as well as coating systems for different aggressive environment. Lacquer materials are supplied with technical documentation, hygienic certificates confirming their designation and quality.
We offer package delivery of semifinished varnishes and varnish based materials, consulting services, selection of schemes and their application with provision of all required features.
Is the solvent for lacquer materials as per GOST 3134-78. It is used for solution of oily paints, varnishes and enamels. It is clear unclouded liquid. Viscosity du is not more than 0,795 g/m. Boiling range: start of boiling not more than 1600C, end of boiling not more than 2050C. Closed flash point is not less than +330C. Aromatic hydrocarbon content not more than 16%. Sulphur content not more than 0,025%.
Acryl emulsion based and used for binding upper substrata layers (plastering, concrete, brick), ensuring adhesion to subsequent paint layer. It contains antimicrobial component slowing down growth of bacteria and mould. Solvent:
Water. Expenditure: 1kg per 30-40m2 in single layer. Drying time: 2 hours at 200C
"KARVAN-L" company is one of the first specialized entities manufacturing lacquer products in Azerbaijan. Work experience gained in construction market allows to manufacture lacquer materials both for large users and ad-hoc products adjusted to customer requirements.
Highlyskilled specialists of central plant laboratory develop the material formula with special features:
physical-mechanical parameters;
viscosity, adjusted to customer requirements;
different structure of painted surface;
frost-resistance, enabling savings during transportation and storage;
change in coating and whiteness;
changes in elasticity and firmness of top film layer.
Modern high-performance equipment, own scientific and research base allows the company constantly expand range of manufactured products and increases its quality.
Our company produces more than 50 types of lacquer products: masonry paints, priming, filler, enamel; lacquer materials for metal and timber protection; construction glue and sealers; pentaerythritol-modified phthalic varnish and sunflower oil, coloured and clear varnish for parquet, furniture and other timber materials. “KARVAN-L” products are certified by Azerbaijan Republic State Standard and SanEpidemNadzor (center of sanitary supervision and disease control) authorities.
Our company is a repeated winner of contests for supply of masonry paint, road striping coatings and other materials for Construction programs of Baku Government.
Water-dispersing acryl filler. It is used for elimination of surface defects and levelling for further painting. Filler is highly durable, dries fast, has no odour, soluble in water and good sanding properties.
Expenditure: 0,5-1,0 kg per 1m2.
Drying time: 4-8 hours at 200C.
Adhesive is prepared on the basis of acryl binder and forms durable adhesive coating. It is used in internal and external works of adhesion of ceramic tiles, gluing wood, cardboard, paper. This glue also is quite essential in housekeeping during small repair works. Drying time: 24 hours at 200C
High-quality gloss paint. It possesses excellent decorative and protective features. It is produced in different colours. Solvent: White s pirit. Expenditure: 130-150g per 1m. Drying time: 24 hours at 18-220C
Is alkyd varnish based enamel and provides durable coating, possesses excellent features. It is used for internal and external application. It is prepared as gloss and matt enamels, and flooring enamel.
Solvent: White spirit. Expenditure: 130-150g per 1m2.
Drying time: 24 hours at 18-220C
Designed for protective and decorative finish of external faces of buildings and facilities with stone porous surface.
Protect from contamination and preserve initial natural state of stones. It may require tinting with coloured pigment paste.
Solvent: water.
Expenditure: 1 kg per 6-8 m2.
Drying time: hour at 200C.
Imber is the most widely used ecologically clean material. It is designed for decorative finish. Clear Varnish with preservative is used for pest control, protection from mould and atmospheric impacts. Varnish is used for painting of furniture, wooden items, improves their appearance, adds brightness, prolongs service life.
Solvent: white-spirit.
Expenditure: 100-150 g per m2.
Drying time: 24 hours at 200C.
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