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Scientific Name: Papaver Rhaeas L. Family: Papaveraceae
Scientific Name: Prunus Cerasus Family: Rosaceae
Scientific Name: Prunus Mahleb Synonyms: Cerasus Mahaleb (L.) Mill. Other Names in English: Perfumed Cherry, Rock Cherry
Scientific Name: Toddalia Asiatica (L.) Lam. Family: Rutaceae
Scientific Name: Citrullus Colocynthis (L.) Schrad. Synonyms: Cucumis Colocynthis L. Other Names in English: Bitter Cucumber Family: Cucurbitaceae
Scientific Name: Lamium Album L. Synonyms: Lamium Capitatum Sm., Lamium Foliosum Crantz Other Names in English: Blind Nettle, Bee Nettle Family: Labiatae
Scientific Name: Teucrium Scordioider Schreb. Family: Labiatae
Scientific Name: Vitex Agnus Castus L. Other Names in English: Agnus Castus, Monk's Pepper, Tree of Chastity Family: Verbenaceae
Scientific Name: Leptadenia pyrotechnica Family: Apocynaceae
Scientific Name: Lepidium Latifolium L. Other Names in English: Dittany, Green Mustard, Pepper Grass Family: Cruciferae
Scientific Name: Artemisia Cina Berg. Other Names in English: Santonica, Worm-seed Family: Compositae
Black Garlic
Scientific Name: Origanum Majorana L. Synonyms: Majorana Hortensis Moench, Origanum Majoranoides Willd Other Names in English: Knotted Marjoram Family: Labiatae
Scientific Name: Heracleum Persicum Desf. Other Names in English: Mountain Pride
Scientific Name: Urtica Dioica L., Urtica Urens L. Synonyms: Urtica Minor Lam. Other Names in English: Common nettle, Large nettle, Great nettle. Family: Urticaceae
Scientific Name: 1- Ziziphora Tenuior L. Synonyms: Ziziphora Persica Bge. 2- Ziziphora Cristata 3- Ziziphora Clinopodioides M. Bieb Family: Labiatae