Scientific Name: Astragallus Sarcocolla Cultivation Mode: Wild collection
Scientific Name: Dorema Ammoniacum D.Don Family: Umbelliferae Cultivation Mode: Wild Collected
Other Names in English: Black Faso, Black Fasokh
Scientific Name: Ferula Gummosa Boiss. Synonyms: Ferula Galbaniflua Boiss. Et Buhse. Family: Umbelliferae Cultivation Mode: Wild collection
Scientific Name: Ferula Communis Other Names in English: White Faso, White Fasokh Family: Umbelliferae Cultivation Mode: Wild Collected
Ginger, gum arabic, cow hides.
Herb and fungus, dried fruit, seed, flower, plant/natural gum, resin and latex, root, bulb, cortex, bark and wood, manna and gall, mumijo and shilajit, medicinal stones and minerals.