China packaging factory direct. We are one of the top 5 bags factory in china and having a sister company in australia. We supply lots of the fertilizer bags all over the world include the australia market. And in very competitive price for we are the factory direct, bags can be made and printed to your specifications including both side & end weld configurations, handles etc. Bags can be made from a variety of films and structures to suit your requirements. Besides. Our designer can make the design on the bag, we can clear custom and have door to door service in australia. So you in australia can enjoy the china factory price. And the order directly to our australia company ausdo group pty ltd Your inquiry of your bags will be welcome in anytime. By pp sheet exporting packed
We are enlisted amongst the leading names in the industry, offering wide range of Woven Packaging Fabrics, Woven bags and fabrics which are often used as an industrial packaging material. The packaging bags and fabrics are available mostly in HDPE(High Density Polythene) and PP (Polypropylene). Depending on end use these are either laminated,or supplied without lamination.We use quality assured raw material in our manufacturing process thereby delivering an exceptional range of products. They are corrosion resistant in nature and are dimensionally accurate.