Golden sea cucumber or locally known as teripang emas is one of Indonesia most popular sea cucumber and widely processed as functional food or supplement due to its bioactivities. The sea cucumber is often misidentified due to its morphological similarities with other Stichopus spp. The golden sea cucumber had 99% similarities with Stichopus horrens and S. monotuberculatus. Size: 5 cm Lower 5 7 cm 7 cm up
Teripang bola, also known as ondol-ondol, is a fascinating marine organism. There are two common types of teripang: - The first type resembles a long, elongated cucumber. - The second type takes the form of a round ball, almost resembling a rubber ball. Interestingly, some locals initially mistake it for an actual rubber ball, but they recognize it as teripang ongol-ongol. Size: 48 up 50 Lower
Thelenota ananas (pineapple sea cucumber) is a species of sea cucumber characterized by its large size, warm colors, and pointed, star-shaped teats covering the entire body, grouped in rows of 2 or 3, as seen in Figure 1. Their body is reddish-orange in color, with the teats slightly darker. They are able to reach up to 70 centimeters (28 in) in length, with a weight of between 3 kg to 6 kg, and have numerous large tube feet on the flat ventral side of their body. T. ananas is a slow growing organism. Size: 4/5
- Teripang Raja exhibits a unique body shape, resembling a cucumber or a flattened cylinder - Its skin is covered in tiny, soft spines - The coloration varies, but it often appears in shades of brown, green, or reddish-brown - Tentacles surround its mouth, which it uses for feeding and locomotion size: 8/10
Holothuria impatiens is a marine invertebrate belonging to the class Holothuroidea. These slow-moving creatures inhabit various substrates, including sandy bottoms, muddy sands, seagrass beds, and coral reef environments. 0 cm lower 10 â?? 15 cm 15 cm up
The Batik Sea Cucumber is a fascinating marine creature with a unique appearance. Physical Characteristics: The Batik Sea Cucumber belongs to a diverse group of sea cucumbers. These creatures exhibit a wide variety of colors and sizes. Most species have an elongated body shape, somewhat resembling a lumpy cucumber. Their lengths typically range from a few inches to about a foot long1.
Stichopus herrmanni, commonly known as Herrmanns sea cucumber, is a fascinating species of holothuroidean echinoderm found in the tropical, western Indo-Pacific Ocean. The body wall is rough and wrinkled, lacking large swellings but adorned with orange-brown papillae (conical fleshy protuberances). The color of Stichopus herrmanni varies, ranging from greyish-brown to mustard-yellow, orange-brown, or combinations of green and brown1.
Alaska Red Crab Averageweight 1.75 to 2kg. Package in box. Prices are to given at inquiry.
Enclosed you may find our species: Panulirus Versicolor commonly known rock lobster, bamboo lobster, blue lobster, and blue spiny lobster. Indonesian name: Bambu Lobster. Panulirus longicep, or longlegged spiny lobster, Indonesian name: Batik Lobster. Panulirus homarus or Scalloped spiny Lobster, Indonesian name: Pasir Lobster
Premium Sea Cucumbers
towelï¼?dry hair towel
Shrimp Vanamei Size 60-70
Frozen Vannamei HOSO Blocked Type FOB Makassar Size 21-30 : 7.25 31-40 : 6.70 41-50 : 6.40 51-60 : 6.30 61-70 : 6.10 71-90 : 5.90
We have ring cut squid products with Diameter: 1-3 cm Thickness: 1cm Weight: 10-15 grams per ring and we also provide processed squid egg products into snacks called keletek Quality: The squid is fresh and not rotten. The squid is cleaned properly and free from dirt. Squid cut into rings of the same thickness. Squid rings are free from defects, such as holes or bruises. Security: Squid is stored and transported properly to prevent contamination. Squid is free from pesticides and other dangerous chemicals. Squid meets the microbiological standards set by the importing country. Packaging: Squid is packed in clean, waterproof plastic bags or boxes. Packaging is clearly labeled with the following information: Product name Net weight Production date Expired date Country of origin Documentation: Document Health certificate Certificate of origin Commercial invoice Packing list
Hello , we do have a ready container for frozen shrimp details are mentioned below Sizes and price 30/40=233 40/50=200 50/60=193.7 60/70= 187 3 containers available all 4 sizes Shipment available in dubai no need to import 2 kg packing into 6 = 12 kg in each box Above Price is mention for each box Production of Iran Venami , fresh water shrimp. Glazing: 10-15% Minimum qty : 2 Ton Total 25ton in one container
Hello , we do have a ready container for frozen shrimp details are mentioned below Sizes and price 30/40=233 40/50=200 50/60=193.7 60/70= 187 3 containers available all 4 sizes Shipment available in dubai no need to import 2 kg packing into 6 = 12 kg in each box Above Price is mention for each box Production of Iran Venami , fresh water shrimp. Glazing: 10-15% Minimum qty : 2 Ton Total 25ton in one container
from Sri Lanka
Bentonite cat litter - With the smell of Fresh Grass - Weight: 4,530kg/ 10LB - The fraction of granules is fine-grained (0.6 mm - 1.5 mm) - Packing: Mini corrugated box with plastic handle - Product color: Specially selected white bentonite
Gelidium corneum (Giant Gelidium or Atlantic agar) is a well-known red seaweed harvested for its high-quality agar content. Agar is a mixture of the polysaccharides used in the food industry as a gelling, thickener, clarifying, and stabilizer agent.
Halymenia a genus of a macroscopic red algae that grows in oceans worldwide. Species have been found in cold temperate areas but the highest diversity is found in warm temperate and tropical regions.