Sweet potato is a nutritious and rich natural nourishing food, rich in protein, fat, polysaccharide, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and 8 amino acids. According to the scientists, the protein content of more than 7 times the rice; carotene content is 3.5 times the carrot; vitamin A is 100 times the potato; sugar, calcium and vitamin B1, vitamin B2 content are higher than rice and flour. Each edible part of 100 grams of fresh potato meat containing carbohydrates 29.5g, fat 0.2g, phosphorus 20g, calcium 18g, iron 0.4g. These substances play an important role in promoting human brain cells and secreting hormone activity, enhancing human resistance to disease, improving immune function, delaying mental retardation and aging. Japan's Ministry of Health has classified it as an important food for diet.
1. Heat and cool blood:
Lotus root born with cold, with heat and cooling effect, can be used to treat hot disease; lotus root sweet and more liquid, fever thirst, Nvxue, hemoptysis, blood is particularly useful.
2. Laxative diarrhea, spleen appetizer:
Lotus lotus contains mucin and dietary fiber, with the human body, the cholesterol and triglycerides in the human body, so that it is discharged from the feces, thereby reducing the absorption of lipids. Lotus root exudes a unique fragrance, but also contains tannins, there is a certain spleen diarrhea effect, can increase appetite, promote digestion, open stomach health, beneficial to poor appetite, loss of appetite were restored to health.
3. Yi Xue Sheng muscle:
Lotus nutrient value is very high, rich in iron, calcium and other trace elements, plant protein, vitamins and starch content is also very rich, there are obvious tonic blood, enhance the role of human immunity. Therefore, Chinese medicine called it: "the main fill in the spirit of God.
4. Hemostasis stasis:
Lotus root contains a lot of tannic acid, a contraction of blood vessels, can be used to stop bleeding. Lotus can also cooling blood, blood, Chinese medicine that hemostasis without leaving stasis, is the disease of hyperthermia diet to share.
Pear sweet and sour, cold, into the lungs, stomach; with Sheng Jin, Runzao, heat, phlegm, hangover effect; for fever or Yin caused by dry cough, thirst, constipation Disease, can also be used for internal heat caused by polydipsia, cough, sputum yellow embolism.
Pear fruit: Sheng Jin, Runzao, heat, phlegm and other effects, apply to the heat of the disease thirst, diarrhea, heat cough, phlegm fever, chucking, thirsty mutiny, red eyes and throat, indigestion The
Pear skin: pure heart, lungs, Reduce Pathogenic Fire, Sheng Jin, Zishen, replenishing effect. Roots, foliage, flowers have lungs, phlegm heat, detoxification effect.
Pear seed: pear seed contains lignin, is an insoluble fiber, can be dissolved in the intestines, the formation of a film like a colloid, can be combined with cholesterol in the intestines and excluded. Pears containing boron can prevent women with osteoporosis. When boron is abundant, memory, attention, mental acuity will increase.
Coir needled felt mats are non-woven mats made from 100% coir fibre. The fibre is selected, dried and then weaved in the needle felt machine for required thickness. Then the needle is punched to achieve the desired degree of compaction.
The fibre is bonded to form long sheets. Needled felt mats have excellent moisture absorption capacity and water retention characteristics. It is an ideal medium for plant growth. It is also used for lawn development and landscaping.
Environmental Friendly
Easy laying
Easy rooting for plants
Water retention capability
Available in Sachet, Bottle, and Refill Pack.
Variants: Passion, Sunrise, Anti Bacteria, Anti Odor, Garden Bloom, Mystique, Fusion, Romance, Daring, Sweetheart, Floral, Sports, Aqua Ocean, Secret Garden.
Fly Ash is by product generated during combustion of coal, and comprises the fine particles that rise with the flue gases. Ash which is collected from the bottom is termed bottom ash. Fly ash is collected by electrostatic precipitators or other particle filtration equipment before the flue gases reach the chimneys of coal-fired power plants and together with bottom ash removed from the bottom of the furnace is in this case jointly known as coal ash. Depending upon the type of coal being used, the specification of Fly Ash varies considerably, but Fly Ash contains substantial amounts of silicon dioxide and calcium oxide (CaO), both being endemic ingredients in many coal-bearing rock strata. We are a reputed Fly Ash Exporter based in India and are supplying Fly Ash different cement, ready mix concrete, steel, refractories and construction industries.
The Major Utilization Areas Of Fly Ash :
- Manufacture of Portland Pozzolanic Cement & Performance improver in Ordinary Portland cement (OPC).
- Part replacement of OPC in cement concrete.
- High volume Fly Ash concrete.
- Roller Compacted Concrete used for dam & pavement construction.
- Manufacture of ash bricks and other building products.
- Construction of road embankments, structural fills, low lying area development.
- As a soil amender in agriculture and wasteland development.
Types of Fly Ash:
- According to the type of coal used fly is classified into two types. Anthracite and bituminous coal produces Fly Ash classified as class F. Class C Fly Ash is produced by burning lignite or sub-bituminous coal. Class C Fly Ash has self-cementing properties.
- Class F and Class C Fly Ash are products of the combustion of coal in large power plants. Fly Ash is collected in electrostatic precipitators or baghouses, and then transferred to large silos for shipment. When needed, Fly Ash is classified by precise particle size requirements, thus assuring a uniform, quality product.
- Class F Fly Ash is available in the largest quantities. Class F is generally low in lime, usually under 15 percent, and contains a greater combination of silica, alumina and iron (greater than 70 percent) than Class C Fly Ash.
- Class C Fly Ash normally comes from coals which may produce an ash with higher lime content generally more than 15 percent often as high as 30 percent. Elevated CaO may give Class C unique self-hardening characteristics.
We have come up as a dependable firm bringing forth Potash Feldspar all over the world. Based in India, we are exporting Potash Feldspar in varied quantity packs. Potash Feldspar are processed and are used for varied industrial applications. Further, we keeping in mind the budget constraints in mind, we offer Potash Feldspar at the market leading prices.
About Feldspar:
Feldspar is non-plastic Potassium or Sodium Alumino silicate mineral represented as KAlSi38or NaAlSi38. Feldspar is used generally for the following purposes :
Ceramic Manufacturing formulations : In making the body composition of several types of ceramics and in preparation of glazes and enamel, Glass Manufacturing and Abrasive Manufacturing.
It is used along with Ball Clay, Kaolin and quartz for tiles and sanitary Wares manufacturing. The presence of iron even in small quantity tends to impart coloration.
Buyers can contact us for availing Bentonite, used for the carrier application of liquid Pesticides and Micro-nutrients. Bentonite Blank Granules are coated with biologically derived ingredients, which are resistant to harmful effects of Ultra-violet radiations of sunlight, become active when they get favorable tropical conditions. Bentonite activate the microbial life within the soil and encourages soil microbes to play an active role. Bentonite loosens light soil enhancing thereby its water retention capacity and increase the efficiency of fertilizer. Bentonite turn saline soil into neutral and helps to increase the dark color of the leaves enhancing thereby Photosynthesis process which ultimately increase the yield of the crops. We, being a reputed Bentonite Exporter ensure standard packaging and systematic delivery of Bentonite.
- Bentonite Blank Granules plays very important role in the Pesticides Formulations.
- It acts as carrier for various liquid pesticides and the easiest and safest way of pesticides applications. During application, granules are less subject to drift than in the case with dusting and spray.
We are a reliable industrial source for availing Bleaching Earth . Bleaching Earths have been used in the refinement of edible oils and fats since the end of the 19th century. Naturally-active Bleaching Earth has been used under the name of Fuller’s Earth since about 1880. Bentonite can be transformed into highly active Bleaching Earths by treatment with acid. We source Bleaching Earth from one of the leading producers, with manufacturing capacities in India, Malaysia, and Belgium. They use the unique filter less technology to produce superior and efficient Bleaching Earth for the Edible Oil Industry.
Dolomite a common sedimentary rock-forming mineral that can be found in massive beds several hundred feet thick. They are found all over the world and are quite common in sedimentary rock sequences. These rocks are called appropriately enough dolomitic limestone.
- Dolomite is chosen for many construction and building product applications due to its increased hardness and density.
- Asphalt and concrete applications prefer dolomite as filler for its higher strength and hardness.
- Dolomite also finds use in a number of applications as a source of magnesium such as glass and ceramics manufacture, as well as a sintering agent in iron ore
- Palletization and as a flux agent in steel making.
- Farmers use dolomite for agricultural pH control.
- The chemical industry uses the mineral dolomite in making magnesium salts including magnesia, magnesium oxide (MgO), which is used in pharmaceuticals.
Seagrass Plate Wall Decor is one of the products made from natural seagrass materials, they are highly durable. If you like Boho-style decoration, this is highly recommended. Size: from 20 cm to 45 cm