Nonwoven fabric and its finished products, and disposable medical products.
Absorbent cotton gauze roll, gauze swabs (sponges), laparoscopy (abdominal) sponges , gauze ball, non-woven swabs (sponges), elastic conforming bandages, triangular bandages, cotton filled (dental) sponges, gauze bandages, tracheotomy (drain) sponges, post-op sponges, absorbent cotton series.
Wound dressing, surgical dressing, disposable wound dressing, alginate wound dressing.
Transparent semi-permeable dressing, transparent island dressing, adhensive wound dressing, surgical film, surgical tape.
Cotton plastic, bandage non woven plastic self bandage.
Cotton roll, guaze, bandages, crepe.
Medical dressing.
Rolled bandage, absorbent gauze, gauze roll, gauze swabs, cotton crape bandage, gauze sponge & other surgical items.
Collagen wound dressing materials, Collagen granules.
Cotton crepe bandages.
Crepe bandage, elastic adhesive bandage, paraffingauze dressing, medicated tulle dressing, sterile combine dressing & eye pad.
Absorbent surgical cotton roll.
Surgical dressings, absorbent cotton, rolled bandage, alcohol swabs, gauze swab, combine dressing.
Surgical dressings.
Surgical dressings such as gauze swab, medical bandages, first aid items, non-woven surgical dressings..
Kangcheng compound magnetic plaster(a kind of pain relief plaster).
Non absorbent orthopedic cotton rolls being produced from 100 natural cotton product is used by the orthopedic surgeons in the hospitals.
Disposable underpad, gauze swab, bandage sponge, alcohol disinfectioncotton, disinfection anerdian.