Product Details:
Brand : Boditech Med Incorporated
Size : 25 T
Samples : Human whole blood/ serum/ plasma/control
Specimen volume : 10 Microliter
stored at 4 - 30 DegreeC
Cat No : CFPC-77
Helping to diagnose heart diseases and evaluate the severity level
BNP and NTproBNP are peptides that are continuously produced in the heart. When the muscles in the left ventricle over-stretch as in heart failure, the secretion of these peptides into blood increases. One may utilize the level of NTproBNP in blood to assess the cardiac event and its severity. Both of BNP and NTproBNP can be used to show different aspects of the heart failure.
ichroma NT-proBNP is a fluorescence Immunoassay (FIA) for the quantitative determination of NT-proBNP in human whole blood/serum/plasma. It is useful as an aid in the diagnosis of persons suspected of having congestive heart failure.
For in vitro diagnostic use only.
The test uses a sandwich immunodetection method; the detector antibodies in buffer bind to antigens in the sample, forming antigen-antibody complexes, and migrate onto the nitrocellulose matrix to be captured by the other immobilized-antibodies on test strip.
More antigens in the sample will form more antigen-antibody complexes which lead to stronger fluorescence signal by detector antibodies, which is processed by instrument for ichromaâ?¢ tests to show NT-proBNP concentration in the sample.
Product Details:
Brand : Boditech Med Incorporated
Size : 25 T
Samples : human whole blood/serum/plasma
Specimen volume : 5 Microliter
stored at 4-30 C
Cat No : CFPC-51
Anti-CCP Plus
Supporting to distinguish and diagnose rheumatoid arthritis
This test helps to diagnose and provide appropriate treatment for chronic systemic autoimmune diseases and rheumatism by quantifying Anti-CCP in the blood.
ichroma Anti-CCP is a fluorescence Immunoassay (FIA) for the qualitative or semi-quantitative determination of human IgG autoantibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptides (CCP) in human whole blood/serum/plasma. It is useful as an aid in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in combination with other clinical and laboratory findings.
For in vitro diagnostic use only.
The cartridge is stable for 20 months (while sealed in an aluminum foil pouch) if stored at 4-30 C. The detection buffer dispensed in a tube is stable for 20 months if stored at 2-8 C. After the cartridge pouch is opened, the test should be performed immediately.
A synthetic cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) is immobilized on a porous membrane. After a sample is added to the sample port, detection buffer, consisting of fluorescent conjugated polyclonal antibody to human IgG, is loaded to the buffer port. The more anti-CCP antibodies in sample forms the more the peptide antigen/anti-CCP antibodies complex and leads to stronger intensity of fluorescence signal on detector anti-human IgG, which is processed by instrument for ichroma tests to show anti-CCP level in sample.
Components of ichroma Anti-CCP Cartridge Box:
- Cartridges 25
- Sample collectors 25
- ID Chip 1
- Instruction For Use 1 Box containing Detection Buffer Tubes
Product Details:
Brand : Boditech Med Incorporated
Size : 25 T
Samples: human whole blood/serum/ plasma
Specimen volume : 50 microliter
stored at 4 - 30 C
Cat No : CFPC-91
Total IgE
Assessing to diagnose acute allergic diseases
This test assesses IgE in blood to support diagnosing of acute allergic diseases.
ichroma Total IgE is a fluorescence immunoassay (FIA) for the quantitative determination of total IgE in human whole blood/serum/ plasma. It is useful as an aid in diagnosis and management of allergic disease.
For in vitro diagnostic use only.
The test uses a sandwich immunodetection method; the detector antibodies in buffer bind to antigens in the sample, forming antigen-antibody complexes, and migrates onto nitrocellulose matrix to be captured by the other immobilized-antibodies on test strip.
More antigens in the sample will form more antigen-antibody complexes which lead to stronger fluorescence signal by detector antibodies, which is processed by instrument for ichroma tests to show total IgE concentration in the sample.
Product Details:
Brand : Boditech Med Incorporated
Size ; : 25 T
Samples : Human whole blood/plasma/control
Specimen volume : 10 Microliter
Storage : 4- 30 DegreeC
Cat No : CFPC-25
Measuring D-dimer level in 12 mins
The presence of D-dimer in blood indicates that thrombin has been formed and fibrin generated from fibrinogen in vivo as a result of activation of the coagulation system. This test measures the level in the blood to help assess the thrombotic state.
ichroma D-Dimer is a fluorescence Immunoassay (FIA) for the quantitative determination of D-Dimer in human whole blood/plasma. It is useful as an aid in management and monitoring of post therapeutic evaluation of thromboembolic disease patients.
For in vitro diagnostic use only.
The test uses a sandwich immunodetection method; the detector antibodies in buffer bind to antigens in the sample, forming antigen-antibody complexes, and migrate onto nitrocellulose matrix to be captured by the other immobilized-antibodies on test strip.
More antigens in the sample will form more antigen-antibody complexes which lead to stronger fluorescence signal by detector antibodies, which is processed by instrument for ichromaâ?¢ tests to show D-Dimer concentration in the sample.
Components of ichroma D-Dimer Cartridge Box:
- Cartridge 25
- ID chip 1
- Instruction for use 1 Box containing Detection Buffer tubes
Product Details:
Number of Reactions(Preps)/Kit : 25 T
Brand : Boditech Med Incorporated
Sample Volume : 10 Microliter
Sample : Human whole blood/serum/ plasma/control
Reaction Time : 3 mins
Cat No : ichroma CRP-25
Assessing to diagnose infection and inflammation
This test can help with proper prescription and treatment by quickly and accurately measuring CRP with a finger-tip blood.
ichroma CRP is a fluorescence Immunoassay (FIA) for the quantitative determination of CRP in human whole blood/serum/ plasma. It is useful as an aid in management and monitoring of autoimmune diseases and infectious processes, such as rheumatoid arthritis.
For in vitro diagnostic use only.
The test uses a sandwich immunodetection method; the detector antibodies in buffer bind to antigens in the sample, forming antigen-antibody complexes, and migrate onto nitrocellulose matrix to be captured by the other immobilized-antibodies on test strip.
More antigens in the sample will form more antigen-antibody complexes which lead to stronger fluorescence signal by detector antibodies, which is processed by instrument for ichromaâ?¢ tests to show CRP concentration in the sample.
Product Details:
Number of Reactions(Preps)/Kit 30 T
Brand SD Biosensor
ICMR Approved Yes
Result Time (Rapid Kits) 10 Min
Cat. No RK033-30
General Description:
STANDARD Q HIV/Syphilis Combo Test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of antibodies specific to HIV-1 including subtype O, HIV 2 and Syphilis (Treponema pallidum) in human serum, plasma or whole blood. The test is for in vitro diagnostic use and intended as an aid to early diagnosis of HIV and Syphilis infection for HIV or Syphilis infected patients, patients with signs and symptoms (HIV and Syphilis) and persons at risk. The test is able to quick screen the HIV/syphilis infection and gives the advantage of managing these two diseases at the same time.
Technical specifications:
Technology: Rapid chromatographic immunoassay.
Format: Test cassette, 25 tests.
Sample type: serum/plasma/venous whole blood specimen
Sample volume: Serum Plasma 10�µl/whole Blood 20 µl.
Sensitivity: HIV 100% & Syphilis 98.8%
Specificity: HIV 99.9%/syphilis 100%/
Time to result: Minimum of 15 minutes.
Number of Reactions(Preps)/Kit 25 Test
Brand SD Biosensor
Result Time (Rapid Kits) 15 Min
Cat. No 09LEP10D
STANDARD Q Leptospira IgM/IgG qualitatively analyzes IgM and IgG antibodies specific to Leptospira interrogans in serum, plasma and whole blood using immunochromatography. Screening test results can be obtained within 15 minutes with high sensitivity and specificity.
Differential detection of IgG and IgM antibodies
Easy to use, Easy to read and interpret
Room temperature storage of 2-40 / 36-104
Able to read positive/negative infections fast and accurately with a little amount of sample (10 µl).
Product Details:
Brand J.Mithra
Test Kit Type: Dengue Test Kit (Rapid)
Sensitivity & Specificity High
Shelf Life: 30 months at 2-30 DegreeC
Pack Size: 10, 30 & 50 Tests
Cat. No IR028010
Intended Use : Dengue Day 1 Test is a rapid solid phase immuno-chromatographic test for the qualitative detection of Dengue NS1 Antigen and differential detection of IgM and IgG antibodies to Dengue virus in Human serum/plasma. This test is for in vitro diagnostic use only and is intended as an aid in the earlier diagnosis of Dengue infection & presumptive diagnosis between primary and secondary Dengue infection.
Salient Features:
First line testing kit for detecting dengue infection from day 1 using NS1 Antigen & differential detection of IgM & IgG Antibodies.
Diagnosis of both Primary & Secondary Infection.
Detection of all the 4 Dengue serotypes (DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4).
Highly Sensitive & Highly Specific
Long shelf life: 30 months at 2-30 C.
Convenient pack sizes: 10 Tests, 30 Tests & 50 Tests.
Principle:Dengue Day 1 test kit consists of two devices: one device for detection of Dengue NS1 antigen and second device for the differential detection of Dengue IgM/IgG antibodies in Human serum/plasma. Dengue NS1 Antigen device contains two lines; (Control line) & T (Dengue NS1 Antigen test line). Test line is coated with anti-dengue NS1 Ag. When a sample is added to the device, Dengue NS1 antigen if present in the sample will bind to the anti-dengue NS1 gold colloidal conjugate making antigen antibodies complex. This complex migrates along the membrane to the test region and forms the visible pink line at as antibody-antigen-antibody gold colloid forms. Dengue IgM/IgG test device contains three lines; C (Control line), M (IgM test line) & G (IgG test line).IgM test line is coated with anti-human IgM and IgG test line is coated with anti-human IgG.When a sample is added to the device, IgG and IgM antibodies in the sample react with anti-human IgM or IgG antibodies coated on the membrane respectively. Colloidal gold complexes containing dengue 1-4 antigens is captured by the bound anti-dengue IgM or IgG on respective test bands located in the test window causing a pale to dark red band to form at the IgG or IgM region of the test device window.
The intensity of the test bands in the respective device will vary depending upon the amount of antigen /antibody present in the sample. The appearance of any pink/ red colour in a specific test region should be considered as positive for that particular antigen and/or antibody type (IgG or IgM). A red procedural control line should always develop in the test device window to indicate that the test has been performed properly
Dengue NS1 Ag :
Sensitivity 96% and Specificity 98%.
Dengue IgM/IgG Antibody test :
Sensitivity 95% and Specificity 97%.
Product Details:
Brand J.Mithra
Result Time (Rapid Kits) Within 20 Minutes
Test Kit Type Malaria Test Kit (Rapid)
Sensitivity & Specificity Excellent as per WHO Malaria RDTs Evaluation
Cat. No IR221050
Intended Use:Advantage MAL Card is a visual, rapid and sensitive immunoassay for the qualitative diagnosis of P.falciparum and other Plasmodium Species (P.vivax/ P.malariae/ P.ovale/ P.falciparum) based on pLDH antigen in human whole blood.
Salient Features:
Infection free- See through Device based on pLDH antigen Malaria parasite in whole blood
Excellent Sensitivity & Specificity as per WHO Malaria RDTs Evaluation.
Longer shelf life of 30 months at 4-30 C.
Easy to interpret Colour Bands
Results within 20 minutes.
Brand J.Mithra
Result Time (Rapid Kits) Within 3 Minutes
Test Kit Type HCV Test Kit (Rapid)
Sensitivity 100% WHO Evaluation
Specificity 98.9% WHO Evaluation
Cat. No HC020100
Intended Use:
The 4th Generation HCV TRI-DOT is a rapid, visual, sensitive and qualitative in vitro diagnostic test for the detection of (IgM,IgG & IgA) antibodies to Hepatitis C virus in human serum or plasma.
It has been developed and designed with increased sensitivity for core and NS3 antibodies using a unique combination of modified HCV antigen
Salient Features:
Based on Flow Through Technology, which is similar to Elisa technology because of involvement of washing steps at various levels to enhance the specificity.
Use of highly purified HCV antigens for Core, NS3, NS4, NS5 immobilized on the device.
Detection of all the subtypes of HCV.
Results within 3 minutes.
In built quality control dot which validates the test.
100% Sensitivity & 98.9% Specificity as per WHO evaluation.
Shelf life : 24 months at 2-8C
Product Details:
Brand Abbott Afinion
Result Time (Rapid Kits) 15 min
Sample Type Blood
Country of Origin Made in India
Requires only 20 ml of specimen
Capillary tubes 20 ml
Immediate point of care HbA1c results for efficient monitoring of glycemic control.
The Afinion HbA1c assay is a test for quantitative determination of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in human whole blood, used to monitor metabolic control in patients with diabetes. It provides the immediate test results you need for improved diabetic control, better patient outcomes, and enhanced clinic efficiencies.
The CLIA-Waived Afinion HbA1c test gives you reliable, high quality results conveniently available when and where you need them.
Diabetes can be treated and managed by healthful eating, regular physical activity, and medications to lower blood glucose levels. Lowering the HbA1c has been shown to reduce microvascular complications of diabetes and is also associated with long-term reduction in macrovascular disease.
Patient consultations can be carried out with confidence. The HbA1c Test Cartridge contains all reagents necessary for the measurement of glycated hemoglobin. The test has 3 months room temperature storage.
Product Details:
Material Hips
Usage/Application Clinical
Country of Origin Made in India
Sample Volume 2.5 microlitre
Brand Abbott
model number AFINION CRP
Assay time 3 to 4 minutes
Sample material Capillary blood,serum,plasma,or anticoagulated venous blood (EDTA or heparin)
Measuring range 5-200 mg/L (whole blood),5-160 mg/L (serum and plasma
Usage/Application Hospital
Country of Origin Made in India
The Afinion Lipid Panel test and the fully automated Afinion Analyzer, give you reliable results conveniently available when and where you need them. Patient consultations can be carried out with confidence.
Test for quantitative determination of Total Cholesterol, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, Low- Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, Triglycerides (Trig), non-HDL and Chol/HDL ratio in whole blood, serum and plasma to be used in the diagnosis and treatment of lipid disorders.
Test for the quantitative determination of:
Elevated cholesterol is one of the major risk factors for coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke. As the blood cholesterol rises, so does the cardiovascular disease risk. Many patients such as those with metabolic syndrome have comorbid conditions such as high lipids and diabetes. And if other risk factors are present such as smoking, high blood pressure or diabetes, the risk increases even further.
Measuring a Lipid Panel/Cholesterol is recommended by NCEP (National Cholesterol Education Program) every five years in healthy adults, more regularly if you have other risk factors, in children and youths who are at an increased risk and to evaluate the success of lipid-lowering treatment.
See how POC diabetes testing significantly impacts patient care with better glycemic control, increased compliance, and improved office efficiencies. Read the presentation or download the PowerPoint for your own use.
Number of Reactions(Preps)/Kit : 100
Brand : Siemens
The Multistix 10 SG reagent strip is the reliable frontline test for detection of a broad range of conditions, from detecting urinary tract infections (UTI1) to diabetes and kidney disorders. Accurately gain a broader clinical insight into a patient's health.
Number of Reactions(Preps)/Kit : 96 wells
Brand : Abbott
Usage/Application : Hospital
Sample Material : Serum
CAT No : 11EK10
The Panbio Dengue IgM Capture ELISA is used to detect IgM antibodies to dengue antigen in serum as an aid to clinical laboratory diagnosis of patients with clinical symptoms consistent with dengue fever. The Panbio. Dengue IgM Capture ELISA should be used in conjunction with other dengue serology.
Number of Reactions(Preps)/Kit ; 96 wells
Brand : Abbott
Test Type : Elisa
CAT No : E-LEP01M / E-LEP01M05
The Panbio Leptospira IgM ELISA is for the qualitative detection of IgM antibodies to leptospira in serum as an aid in the clinical laboratory diagnosis of patients with clinical symptoms consistent with leptospirosis.
Number of Reactions(Preps)/Kit : 96 Wells
Brand : InBios
Sample Material : Serum
Incubation Time: 60+60+60+5+10+1
Storage 2-8 C
Cat No : DDMS-1
The DENV DetectTM IgM Capture ELISA is for the qualitative detection of IgM antibodies to DENV recombinant antigens in serum for the presumptive clinical laboratory diagnosis of Dengue virus infection. The assay is intended for use only in patients with clinical symptoms consistent with either dengue fever or dengue hemorrhagic fever.
The complete kit includes one 96 well strippable plate with all necessary reagents and controls.
1st Assay to Receive FDA Clearance.
Performance thoroughly evaluated with clinically confirmed cases of dengue 1-4 serotypes.
Excellent positive and negative agreement with WHO reference panel (>90%).
Improves accuracy by monitoring background reactivity with a normal cell antigen.
Employs a simple, one step ratio method of interpretation.
CE Marked.
Number of Reactions(Preps)/Kit : 96wells
Brand : Abbott
Cat. No : 01PE10
The Panbio Dengue IgG Capture ELISA is used to detect elevated IgG antibodies to dengue virus (serotypes 1-4) in patients with secondary infection. This test is intended as an aid in the clinical laboratory diagnosis.
Product Details:
Number of Reactions(Preps)/Kit : 96 Wells
Brand : Abbott
Cat. No : 01PE40
Panbio Dengue Early ELISA is a dengue NS1 antigen capture ELISA. It is used to detect NS1 antigen in serum as an aid to clinical laboratory diagnosis of patients with clinical symptoms consistent with dengue fever. The Dengue Early ELISA should be used in conjunction with other dengue serological assays.
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