Humedad M PE-ER-03/Norma ISO 18134-1 7,09 %m/m b.h. Cenizas A PE-ER-05/Norma ISO 18122 0,21 %m/m b.s. Materiales Vol tiles VM PE-ER-06/Norma ISO18123 81,00 %m/m b.s. Carbono Fijo FC PE-ER-06/Norma ISO18123 18,79 %m/m b.s. Poder CalorÂfico Superior o bruto Qbruto PE-ER-13/Norma ISO 18125 19,8982 MJ/kg b.s. 4.752,6 kcal/kg b.s. Poder calorÂfico Inferior o neto Qneto PE-ER-13/Norma ISO 18125 18,5290 MJ/kg b.h. 4.425,6 kcal/kg b.h. Densidad Aparente BD PE-ER-04/Norma ISO17828 654,75 Kg/m Durabilidad mecnica DU PE-ER-11/Norma ISO 17831-2. 99,83 % b.h. Finos F PE-ER-12/Norma ISO 17831-2 0,06 % b.h.
We offer rice husk , wood and chicken manure pellets for export to any country from Entre Rios Province. The meccca of poultry, rice and forestry in Argentina