Copper û cu 99.98 %
Iron û fe 2 ppm
Sulphur û s 4 ppm
Oxygen û o 0
Silver û ag 10 ppm
Lead û pb 0.2 ppm
Nickel û ni 0.2 ppm
Selenium û se 0.3 ppm
Antimony û sb 0.1 ppm
Silica û si 0.3 ppm
Cobalt û co 0.2 ppm
Arsenic û as <0.1 ppm
Bismuth û bi 0.1 ppm
Manganese û mn <0.1 ppm
Tellurium û te <0.05 ppm
Aluminium û al 0.5 ppm
Magnesium û mg 0.4 ppm
Zinc ash have 73% zinc content free of metallics have the following specifications
Zinc ( zn ) 73.5%
Chloride ( ci ) 2.46%
Iron ( fe ) 2.49%
Calcium ( ca ) 2.48%
Phosphorus ( p ) 1.37%
Lead ( pb ) 1.889%
Silica ( si ) 0.698%
Sulpher (s ) 0.484%
Manganese (mn ) 0.464%
Titanium ( ti ) 0.206%
Denomination of the product :
Strongly carbonaceous steel fibers and filings (resulting from the recycling of tires).
Origin of the product :
Strongly carbonaceous steel fibers and filings resulting from the recycling of used tires of various categories (pv, cv, gv, hgv, pwv, cev, iv, agrarian, handling, motorbikes, etc.).
All the technical features of these tires comply with the regulations and standards requirements of france and of the european union.
Composition of the product :
The steel is a strongly carbonaceous steel.
The small rubber buffings mixed with the steel fibers and filings are made of a mix-in variable proportions of 2 main types of synthetic rubber and of natural rubber. The 2 types of synthetic rubber are :
- the sbr (styrene butadiene rubber)
- the nbr (nitrile butadiene rubber)
[cf. The specifications sheets of the products : 'rubber crumbs' and 'fine rubber powder'].
The textile filling and fluff mixed with the steel fibers and filings is made of a mixture of 4 types of fibers : aramide, nylon, polyester and rayon (mainly nylon, that is to say polyamide)
[cf. The specifications sheet of the product: textile filling and fluff].
Apparent density ( without compressing) :
238 kg / m3 or 0, 238 [+ or - 5 %] (adimensional).
Industrial process of manufacturing :
Exclusively with a mechanical crushing of the tires at ambient temperature.
The process used does not require and does not reject any kind of solid, liquid or gas additives.
Mass distribution of the constituents :
- steel fibers and filings : 95, 1 % + or - 2, 7 %
- rubber buffings : 3, 3 % + or - 1, 4 %
- textile filling and fluff : 1, 6 % + or - 1, 3 %
Lengths interval of the steel fibers :
[1, 00 + or - 0, 02 mm -> 100, 36 + or - 0, 02 mm].
Diameters interval of the steel fibers :
[0, 26 + or - 0, 02 mm -> 4, 73 + or - 0, 02 mm].
Danger and not danger materials such as liquids and grease and foaming structure can fill the
Cylindrical open top drums.
When thise type of drums filled with liquid, the top end contains tow holes (2'' and 3/4'') and the top end is fixed on the drum by a movable flexible ring (mdl).
When it filled with soled products like grease, the movable flexible ring gets the trapezium shape to increase security.
Putting closer of (2'' and 3/4'') is an additional option if it is required.
Containers capacity, this shape of drum increase the capacity of 20 feet container (80 drums instead of 72 to 74 drums).
Reduce the cost of transportation 10% less than the another type of drums
The bottom end is tripled seam (eptseam).
The expansion of it's body and the bead near of it's top end gives it a high resistance against deformation.
This shape gives a high resistance to the differential pressure.
It's an open top drum so , it's closed with a top end of 571.5 mm diameter fixed on the drum by a flexible ring with lock .
For the external painting : it's painted by (glycerophtolique).
For the internal coating : it's coated with vernis of epoxy type or single or double plastics flexible bags which take the shape of the drum .
It may take a logo on it's top or body using the silk screen techniques .
We can use it to deliver danger materials like un 1a2.
The external bead diameter is 610 mm.
Top inner diameter is 571.5 mm.
Bottom inner diameter is 516 mm.
Total capacity:
213 litre with steel thickness 1.2 mm .
211 litre with steel thickness 1.5 mm
Iron ore
2.Country of origin: LIBYA.
3.Quantity: 150,000 MT month
4.Duration of supply: 30 - 45 days from the date of receipt of confirmed and activated L/C.
Steel wool
Steel wool grades :
Super fine
Smooths shellac, lacquer, and varnishes before final top coat
Buffs furniture wax v rubs on a high lustre finish.
Puts a mat finish on gloss paint
Cleans windows without water or cleaners
Extra fine
Removes dust from chrome using kerosene
Cleans and polishes stainless steel
Removes paint spots from furniture
Prepares surfaces between coats of varnish
Very fine
Restores original appearance to aluminum windows
Smooth burns from furniture and leather
Cleans up old brasses, polishes copper
Repairs varnished surfaces
Cleans the grouting between tiles
Mixed iron - steel scraps
This product is mixed iron and steel scraps extracted from the close iron ore mine in liberia and with other iron scraps we buy from the local people.
The mixed iron and steel scraps are packed in 20 feet container for export.