We manufacture the following Exercise Book, Notebooks, Spiral notebooks, Student agenda, Spiral student agenda, Spiral exercise book according to customer requirements.
The products are made from domestic animal hides e.g. cow, goats, sheep. Some of the products are made from calabashes and other available local materials. The artisans making the drums have to make sure the hide is dry and well treated to avoid insects eating into the drum products.
The above products are made by a group in Nairobi province. The production place is packed with a beehive entrepreneurial activities where intermingling of the people from all part of the city is the order of the day. Like any other place in the world where a high interaction of people from all walks of life takes place, instances of mugging, beggary, petty crimes, theft from the car, pick pockets e.t.c. is inevitable. We do therefore advise our customers during such visit to be careful with their personal effects just like what they would do in other part of the world with a high interaction of people