Anchor bolt is a heavy-duty anchor made of galvanized steel suitable for fixing hangers, brackets, channels, or other metal profiles to concrete walls. It is used for high heights and loads. Its characteristics include a torque-controlled expansion, a high load capacity in
solid material, and no harm coming from removing fixtures as they do not affect the anchor.
Partition System
Lining System
Ceiling System
Anchor bolt is a heavy-duty anchor made of galvanized steel suitable for fixing hangers, brackets, channels, or other metal profiles to concrete walls. It is used for high heights and loads.
Partition System
Lining System
Ceiling System
Anchor bolt is a heavy-duty anchor made of galvanized steel suitable for fixing hangers, brackets, channels, or other metal profiles to concrete walls. It is used for high heights and loads.
Partition System
Lining System
Ceiling System
Self-sealing bolts offer a reliable andreusable seal, preventing (or containing!)contamination from dust, air, water,
lubricants and other liquid or gaseoussubstances. They are suitable for any kindof environment and industry as required.
They are occasionally used whencontinuous vibration might normally causeproblems.
Hexagon flanged bolts are mainly usein automotive/plumbing applications. Hex FlangeBolts are typically used for automotive andconstruction applications. The flange directlyunderneath the hexagon-shaped head is designedto distribute the load and help protect the surfacebeneath and eliminates the potential need for awasher head
Eye bolts can be used as a connectionpoint for rigging, anchoring, pulling,
pushing, or hoisting applications. Although eye bolts are commonly usedin industrial applications.