Lemon Grass Oil
Steam distillation essential oil
Lemongrass oil
Aadrea Lemongrass essential oil is licenced by Uganda National Bureau of Standards under Permit Number 08285-1849-0008, issued under US ISO Standard 3217:1974 [UNBS, Uganda]. The oil is a pale yellow to orange yellow mobile liquid, derived from the stock of Cymbopogon citratus, a specie of grass in the Poaceae family of grasses, native to the Tropics. Its scent is lemony, and characteristic with a hint of citral. The main active component(s) in a typical oil sample are: Myrcene (16%), Citral (1%), Citronellal (2%), Geranyl Acetate (1%), Nerol (35%), Geraniol (40%), and Limonene (0.5%). Our packaging is typically 5 litre aluminum cans. Price offer is for 1 litre (1000ml) of 100% pure essential oil.
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