Hackled Sliver Flax Bobbins Spools, Cones, ,Balls We have Baby Cones or Bobbins in different weight for both the sliver and the Bobbines or Cones: The weight of Bobbins or Cones is from 80 gr. till 500 gr. The weight of the Sliver is from 35 gr , 1.5 gr till 3 gr/mete. We can make the Bobbins Spools on Carton Tupe or in Plastic Cans spools Its length is available in 22 c.m.or 25 c.m. Its weight is available from 2 k.g till 10 k.g Boppines Its length is available from 10 c.m. till 27 c.m Its weight is available from 500 g.r. till 8 k.g.