Factor of safety for webbing 1:7 and for steel terminals 1:4 Features Zebra has set the industry standard for the lowering-in Belt with ten years of continuous improvement. The lowering-in belt system consist of two parts The steel head iron (hook iron, lifting iron or bail). The sling fabric. The sling fabric is woven from high tenacity polyester yarn. The steel belt end and the head irons are designed for ease of use, quick and easy coupling and uncoupling. The lowering-in belt sling system is designed for long and durable life and is conservatively rated with a safety factor of 5:1. These figures are given on the data sheet overleaf. A certificate to this effect for individual belts and head irons can be provided on request. Hooks are stamped with the safe working load. All sling fabrics have a tag or plate with the safe working load. Manufactured from duplex polyester webbing slings joined together to be used with heavy duty steel terminals. High load capacity for lowering pipes. High safety, low elasticity and resistant to ultra-violet rays. Simple on-site belt replacement in minutes with advanced terminal design. Economical in use due to long working life. Extra heavy duty lowering belt can be supplied on request.