Easy to use. One tablet for 227 liters of water (60 US gallons) Dissolves in 5-8 minutes Available in yellow/green, red or blue. These bright dye tablets are used to: Detect leaks in sewage systems Trace water and industrial effluents Trace cross connection systems Measure power plant discharge Detect toilet tank leaks Detect illegal sewer connections Monitor flow studies and mapping Analyse septic systems Features Available in fluorescent yellow/green, red or blue : Florescent yellow/green : Most popular color Greater apparent contrast in murky brown water May be used for visual, ultraviolet and fluorometric inspections Photo degradation takes plase in sunlight within 2-3 days Blue : Storm & sewer drain Offers excellent contrast in clay pipes when using color cameras May be used for visual inspections Generally blue may be more acceptable to public view Photo degradation starts to take place in 2 to 3 weeks Red : Offers greater contrast to heavy concentrations of green algae May be used for visual, ultraviolet* and fluorometric inspections Has a higher light fastness than FLT Yellow/Green, taking approximately 5-7 days to fade