1.Standard Fishing Magnet: Fishing Magnet is a junk retrieval tool designed to retrieve small metal, oddly-shaped objects such as milling shavings, bit cones, cutters, bearings, slips, tong pins, and hand tools from the bottom of the hole. Typically,these objects are the result of bit failures, an accumulation of mill cuttings, or simply accidental droppings of unmillable objects. In almost all of these cases, the fish cannot be engaged in the normal manner. Fishing magnets can successfully remove these objects from the hole. The toolâ??s design features generous circulation ports that wash away cuttings and other debris that might interfere with or prevent contact with the magnet. A variety of guides are available to accommodate any retrieval situation. 2. Reverse Circulation Fishing Magnet: Reverse Circulation Fishing Magnet is a new fishing tool based on TOPMAG Standard Fishing Magnet. It combines advantages of Reverse Circulation Fishing Basket and Fishing Magnet. Its unique reverse-circulation design brings better performance on cleaning bottom hole.