Russian Linden Honey is produced by unique Russian bees that gather nectar from thousands of wild Linden trees growing in relatively undisturbed snow forests. A forest full of Linden trees tend to attract thousands of bees because of the Linden tree's strong nectar flows.The wild Linden honey has white to light cream colour & its unique aroma is described as balsamic, minty, mentholated, & camphoric. This honey is low acidity & slightly astringent. The taste is that of medium sweetness with a light dash of lingering bitter flavours. Since antiquity, there were folk remedies that emphasized on the effectiveness of Linden honey in treating colds & fevers. It was also traditionally used to soothe sore throat, rhinitis & laryngitis.The same folk remedies claimed that Linden honey, when applied externally, would help in the healing of small wounds, burns, sores & even eczema. Certifications all available.